Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

21 results
  • 韩国现代文学作品选
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Yun Yunjin et al / 윤윤진 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    《韩国现代文学作品选》是“21世纪韩国语专业系列教材”之一。本书选取现代韩国语文学领域中36位代表作家的代表作品或节选。每篇作品选读后提供作者及背景介绍、思考练习题及文学常识。本书可作为韩国语专业高年级文学课教学用书,也可供社会上具有相当韩国语基础的文学爱好者作进修读物。 Source :

  • Tváře a osudy
    Tváře a osudy
    Czech(Český Jazyk) Available

    Kim Dong-in et al / 김동인 et al / 1999 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Reprezentativní výbor korejské povídkové tvorby 20. století. Antologie obsahuje 14 povídek od 13 autorů, z nichž každý je uveden medailonem s životopisnými daty a charakteristikou umělecké tvorby. Obsáhlá zasvěcená předmluva načrtává vývoj korejské moderní literatury na pozadí historických souvislostí. Témata povídek jsou různorodá: souboj tradiční morálky s moderním životem, sociální problémy, deziluze generace 60. let, láska a samota ženy, život lidí na okraji společnosti, morální hodnoty. Povídky mají, s nemalým přispěním fundovaných překladatelů, vysokou uměleckou úroveň. Po knize sáhne především náročnější čtenář; jeho odměnou bude zážitek ze sugestivních autorských výpovědí a zajímavé nahlédnutí do korejské mentality. Source :

  • A Ready-Made Life
    A Ready-Made Life
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Ch`ae Man-Sik et al / 채만식 et al / 1998 / -

    A Ready Made Life is the first volume of early modern Korean fiction to appear in English in the U.S. Written between 1921 and 1943, the sixteen stories are an excellent introduction to the riches of modern Korean fiction. They reveal a variety of settings, voices, styles, and thematic concerns, and the best of them, masterpieces written mainly in the mid-1930s, display an impressive artistic maturity. Included among these authors are Hwang Sun-won, modern Korea's greatest short story writer; Kim Tong-in, regarded by many as the author who best captures the essence of the Korean identity; Ch'ae Man-shik, a master of irony; Yi Sang, a prominent modernist; Kim Yu-jong, whose stories are marked by a unique blend of earthy humor and compassion; Yi Kwang-su and Kim Tong-ni, modernizers of the language of twentieth-century Korean fiction; and Yi Ki-yúng, Yi T'ae-jun, and Pak T'ae-won, three writers who migrated to North Korea shortly after Liberation in 1945 and whose works were subsequently banned in South Korea until democratization in the late 1980s. One way of reading the stories, all of which were written during the Japanese occupation, is that beneath their often oppressive and gloomy surface lies an anticolonial subtext. They can also be read as a collective record of a people whose life choices were severely restricted, not just by colonization, but by education (either too little or too much, as the title story shows) and by a highly structured society that had little tolerance for those who overstepped its boundaries. Life was unremittingly onerous for many Koreans during this period, whatever their social background. In the stories, educated city folk fare little better than farmers and laborers.

  • Der Sohn des Dieners und andere Erzählungen
    Der Sohn des Dieners und andere Erzählungen
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Na Do-hyang et al / 나도향 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    Ein Student macht in einem Friseurladen eine zwiespältige Erfahrung, ein Straßenbahnschaffner folgt heimlich einer Frau, ein taubstummer Diener verliebt sich in seine Herrin, ein Mädchen verliert ihren Liebhaber. In sieben Erzählungen werden menschliche Grunderfahrungen und Leidenschaften bildkräftig beschrieben.   Source:ählungen/dp/3830672209

  • Samnyong the Mute
    Samnyong the Mute
    English(English) Available

    Na Do-hyang et al / 나도향 / 2015 / -

    Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea.   Source :

  • Seri Sastra Korea Abad Ke-20 Jilid 4
    Seri Sastra Korea Abad Ke-20 Jilid 4
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 小説家仇甫氏の一日 : ほか十三編
    小説家仇甫氏の一日 : ほか十三編
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Hyeon Sangyun et al / 현상윤 et al / 2006 / -

    朝鮮のモダニズムの旗手として有名な朴泰遠の表題作をはじめ、1910年代から40年代の植民地期の朝鮮近代文学の多彩な短編を、時代を追って読むことのできるアンソロジー。   Source:

  • Na Tohyang and Korean short story writing of the 1920s
    Na Tohyang and Korean short story writing of the 1920s
    Polish(Polski) Available

    Na Do-hyang et al / 나도향 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

    Jest to analiza twórczości Na Tohyanga (1902-1927), utalentowanego prozaika korańskiego lat dwudziestych XX wieku, którego spuścizna literacka obejmuje nowele, opowiadania i powieści. Autorka przedstawia biografię pisarza na tle historycznym, uwzględniając dramatyczne losy Korei w pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Omawia też proces kształtowania się literackiego języka koreańskiego oraz twórczość innych prozaików tego okresu. Na tym tle analizuje dzieła Na Tohyanga zarówno pod względem treści, jak i formy, prezentując go jako nowatora i prekursora nowej literatury, lecz zarazem kontynuatora najlepszych osiągnięć tradycyjnej prozy koreańskiej. Książka napisana w języku polskim, koreańskim i angielskim.   source :  

    Russian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Na Do-hyang et al / 나도향 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Сборник знакомит с лучшими образцами корейской художественной прозы XX - XXI вв. Большинство корейских писателей, рассказы которых вошли в сборник, до сих пор не были известны российскому читателю, их произведения впервые переведены на русский язык

  • корейски разкази
    корейски разкази
    Bulgarian(български) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Dong-in et al / 김동인 et al / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Антологията Корейски разкази съдържа творби от един от най-мрачните периоди в корейската история - Японската окупация (1910 - 1945). В сложната обстановка, в която писателите са принудени да се съобразяват с властта и наложената цензура, те съумяват майсторски да пресъздадат действителността през очите на широка палитра от персонажи. Героите в разказите варират от гении до умствено изостанали, от борци за свобода до хора, примирили се с крайната си бедност. Писателите са изправени пред дилемата дали да приемат мерките, наложени от властта, или да се борят с тях и проектират своите терзания върху описаните герои, които често са противоречиви като характер. Читателят остава без дъх от дълбочината на емоциите, сложната реконструкция на шокиращата действителност и разкритията за подбудите на персонажите и нерядко трябва да направи избора: да осъди или оправдае действията на героите. Source :