E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

3 results
  • The Hole
    English(English) Ebook

    PYUN HYE YOUNG et al / 편혜영 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Winner of the 2017 Shirley Jackson Award Named One of the Top 10 Thrillers to Read This Summer by Time Magazine. In this tense, gripping novel by a rising star of Korean literature, Oghi has woken from a coma after causing a devastating car accident that took his wife's life and left him paralyzed and badly disfigured. His caretaker is his mother-in-law, a widow grieving the loss of her only child. Oghi is neglected and left alone in his bed. His world shrinks to the room he lies in and his memories of his troubled relationship with his wife, a sensitive, intelligent woman who found all of her life goals thwarted except for one: cultivating the garden in front of their house. But soon Oghi notices his mother-in-law in the abandoned garden, uprooting what his wife had worked so hard to plant and obsessively digging larger and larger holes. When asked, she answers only that she is finishing what her daughter started. A bestseller in Korea, award-winning author Hye-young Pyun's The Hole is a superbly crafted and deeply unnerving novel about the horrors of isolation and neglect in all of its banal and brutal forms. As Oghi desperately searches for a way to escape, he discovers the difficult truth about his wife and the toll their life together took on her. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/1755FA96-A24E-461D-BF16-97FFCE433174

  • Der Riss
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    PYUN HYE YOUNG et al / 편혜영 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Kann das Leben einen so tiefen Riss bekommen, dass man durch ihn hinabstürzt und darin verschwindet? Ogi hat Schuld an dem Unfall, durch den seine Frau getötet wurde. Im Haus seiner Schwiegermutter vegetiert er nun schwer verletzt vor sich hin. Seine Welt schrumpft zu dem Bett, in dem er liegt. Im Inneren halten beunruhigende Gedanken an seine Frau ihn gefangen. Draußen verwandelt sich ihr üppiger Garten in einen welken Orten, entstellt von dunklen Löchern, die die Schwiegermutter wie besessen gräbt. Was verbirgt sich hinter der unheimlichen Obsession für den Garten? Ein so kafkaesker wie hypnotisierender Roman von den verstörenden Rissen, die Einsamkeit, Schuld und Entwurzelung im Leben hinterlassen können. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/ADD79979-DD39-4064-BC3B-86CE2EC102AD

  • The Hole
    English(English) AudioBook

    PYUN HYE YOUNG et al / 편혜영 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    In this tense, gripping novel by a star of Korean literature, Oghi wakes from a coma after causing a devastating car accident that took his wife's life and left him paralyzed and badly disfigured. His caretaker is his mother-in-law, a widow grieving the loss of her only child. Oghi is neglected and left alone in his bed. His world shrinks to the room he lies in and his memories of his troubled relationship with his wife, a sensitive, intelligent woman who found all of her life goals thwarted except for one: cultivating the garden in front of their house. But soon Oghi notices his mother-in-law in the abandoned garden, uprooting what his wife had worked so hard to plant and obsessively digging larger and larger holes. When asked, she answers only that she is finishing what her daughter started.As Oghi desperately searches for a way to escape, he discovers the difficult truth about his wife and the toll their life together took on her. The winner of the Shirley Jackson Award and a bestseller in Korea, The Hole is a superbly crafted and deeply unnerving novel about the horrors of isolation and neglect in all of its banal and brutal forms. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5712344?cid=37224