Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

5 results
    French(Français) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    La ville brille, mais blesse. Elle représente toutes les illusions, les aspirations sociales de la jeunesse, mais aussi les rêves brisés, les amertumes. Dans Les Poncires, une grand-mère rompt avec la morosité de son appartement citadin pour faire un dernier voyage : les somptueux paysages de l’île de Jeju, au large de la Corée. Un homme entre deux âges retourne dans son village natal s’occuper de ses vieux parents et redécouvre la vie à la campagne dans La Lumière du printemps, tandis que le père d’une famille habitant un immeuble résidentiel considère l’éventualité d’échanger son épouse pour sa jeune voisine dans La Femme d’à côté.   source:

  • We, Day by Day
    We, Day by Day
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jin Eun-young / 진은영 / 2018 / -

    Whether suturing NoHae Park and Pablo Neruda together in a cinematic sweep or refusing the global economy's demands to rush and sign over one's literary life, Jin's portraiture is time illuminated by an intelligence committed to "how strange questions, fountains of brilliant blood, gush unceasingly in the boundless desert of answers."   Source URL :

  • Shoko's Smile
    Shoko's Smile
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Eunyoung / 최은영 / 2021 / -

    A bestselling and award-winning debut collection from one of South Korea's most prominent young writers. In crisp, unembellished prose, Eun-young Choi paints intimate portraits of the lives of young women in South Korea, balancing the personal with the political. In the title story, a fraught friendship between an exchange student and her host sister follows them from adolescence to adulthood. In "A Song from Afar," a young woman grapples with the death of her lover, traveling to Russia to search for information about the deceased. In "Secret," the parents of a teacher killed in the Sewol ferry sinking hide the news of her death from her grandmother. In the tradition of Sally Rooney, Banana Yoshimoto, and Marilynne Robinson--writers from different cultures who all take an unvarnished look at human relationships and the female experience--Choi Eunyoung is a writer to watch. Source : Eunyoung&qid=1622764994&sr=8-1

  • Love in the Big City
    Love in the Big City
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Sang Young Park / 박상영 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A funny, transporting, surprising, and poignant novel that was one of the highest-selling debuts of recent years in Korea, Love in the Big City tells the story of a young gay man searching for happiness in the lonely city of Seoul. Love in the Big City is the English-language debut of Sang Young Park, one of Korea’s most exciting young writers. A runaway bestseller, the novel hit the top five lists of all the major bookstores and went into nine printings. Both award-winning for its unique literary voice and perspective, and particularly resonant with young readers, it has been a phenomenon in Korea and is poised to capture a worldwide readership. Love in the Big City is an energetic, joyful, and moving novel that depicts both the glittering nighttime world of Seoul and the bleary-eyed morning-after. Young is a cynical yet fun-loving Korean student who pinballs from home to class to the beds of recent Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female best friend and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their anxieties about their love lives, families, and money with rounds of soju and ice-cold Marlboro Reds that they keep in their freezer. Yet over time, even Jaehee leaves Young to settle down, leaving him alone to care for his ailing mother and to find companionship in his relationships with a series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness, and another who might end up being the great love of his life. A brilliantly written novel filled with powerful sensory descriptions and both humor and emotion, Love in the Big City is an exploration of millennial loneliness as well as the joys of queer life, that should appeal to readers of Sayaka Murata, Han Kang, and Cho Nam-Joo. Source :

  • 大白天的戀愛
    Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Keum Hee et al / 김금희 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    2021年榮獲李箱文學獎卻拒絕受獎,作家金錦姬再現愛情的無奈 ──小說拍成同名電視劇,獲網友好評── YES24網路書店8.7顆星評價,引起二十代年輕人共鳴 光芒耀眼的正午 明白了曾經的愛戀,領悟年少時的刻骨銘心   希望夏天趕快來到   想到妳的名字   心好像被冰鎬刺了一下   完全不知道自己身在何處   記憶未曾消失──   而是以「不存在」的方式隱藏起來了 source: