이별하는 골짜기
- Original Title
- 이별하는 골짜기
- Title Romanization
- Ibyeolhaneun goljjagi
- Title Sub
- 임철우 장편소설
- English Title(Printed)
- Remembering Heartache: The Valley of Parting
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Lim Chulwoo
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2010
- Publisher
- 문학과지성사
- 9788932020730
- Main Characters
- Jeong Dongsu, Shin Taemuk, Grandma Sunrye, Yang Sunji
- Subject/Theme
- Memory; guilt
Jeong Dongsu suffers from the guilt that he drove a young woman to her death; Shin Taemuk’s wife died because of his paranoia and obsession. Yang Sunji is a baker who is consumed by guilt because of her involvement in the death of a young deserter during the war. Grandma Sunrye was a sex slave during the war and she has been scarred for life. They all try to reconcile with their past as they take steps to free themselves from guilt and remorse.
Translated Books4 See More
German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableAbschiedstal
Japanese(日本語) Available別れの谷
Chinese(简体) Available离别的山谷
Related Resources8 See More
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Lim Chulwoo Introductory Booklet
English(English) PublicationKLN(Korean Literature Now) Vol.48
English(English) DocumentRemember What the Pandemic Showed Us