당신들의 천국
- Original Title
- 당신들의 천국
- Title Romanization
- Dangsindeurui cheonguk
- English Title(Printed)
- This Paradise of Yours
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
- Author
- Yi Chong-Jun
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1976
- Publisher
- 문학과지성사
- -
- Main Characters
- Jo Baek-heon, Elder Hwang Hui-baek, Lee Sang-uk, Lee Jeong-tae
- Subject/Theme
- Leprosy, history of Sorok Island
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Army Colonel Jo Baek-heon takes office as the director of a hospital in the leper colony of Sorok Island. He goes to great lengths to make the island a paradise for those suffering from leprosy. One such effort is a reclamation project that connects the island and the mainland, and in the process, many lepers who participate in the construction are subjected to harsh labor. Despite the efforts and sacrifices of Director Jo Baek-heon and the islanders, the reclamation project is eventually suspended. The authorities decide to replace Jo Baek-heon. Seven years later, Reporter Lee Jeong-tae, who comes to report on Sorok Island, meets Jo Baek-heon there. Jo Baek-heon has come to officiate at the wedding ceremony of a leper and a non-leper, and the story ends with Jo Baek-heon rehearsing his congratulatory speech.
Translated Books8 See More
Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available你们的天国
English(English) AvailableThis Paradise of Yours
English(English) AvailableYour paradise
Related Resources1
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Yi Chong-Jun Introductory Booklet