Event Database

We provide data on various Korean literature events hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Publication ceremony for Hwang Sok-yong's "Sonnim" (손님) and meeting with the readers

October 15, 2004 to October 17, 2004
Program type
Literary Event
Host Korean
Host English
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

Even before its publication ceremony in October 2004, the French translation of Hwang Sok-yong's Sonnim (손님) was largely written about in Le Monde, which selects about 10 out of 660 new books from this fall. Two weeks later, a review of the book was published, and a page each in Le Figaro, Le Nouvel Observateur, Le Magazine Littéraire, and others were devoted to the book. In addition, the book also enjoyed the honor of being shortlisted for the Prix Femina Etrange. With the exception of an event held at the Korean Cultural Center in France and a lecture at the University of Le Havre, meetings between the author and readers were arranged in cultural spaces owned by private, independent bookstores, making the events accessible to the general French public, rather than only Korean language students.

황석영 작 '손님'의 불어판은 2004년 10월 출판기념외 이전에 이미 르몽드에서 올해 가을의 660권의 신간 중에서 10여권을 선정 소개하는 지면에서 크게 다루어졌으며, 2주 후에는 비평기사가 나왔고, 피가로지, 누벨옵세르바퇴르, 마가진 리테레르 등에서는 한 면을 할애했으며, 정평있는 페미나 상의 2심까지 오르는 영예를 누렸다. 파리의 주불 문화에서의 행사와 르아브르 대학 강연을 제외하고는 모두 민간 독립 자본의 서점들이 보유하고 있는 문화공간에서 독자와의 만남행사를 마련, 한국어과 학생들만이 아닌 일반 독자와의 만남을 갖도록 최선을 다했다.

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