Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

43 results
  • Grass
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2019 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    "With an array of visual techniques, from rough smudges to detailed strokes, some fluid and others startling, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim's Grass challenges readers to think critically about their own responsibility as they absorb former "comfort woman" Lee Ok-sun's story. What is our role as readers in relation to this story? How should we approach inevitable gaps in memory and failures of our own knowledge and imagination? What are the ethics in (re)telling their narratives? These questions, manifested through the aforementioned deft craftsmanship and the portrayal of the artist interviewing Lee, serve to ultimately prove one of the most powerful qualities of art and literature: to act as a portal through which we test and expand our empathy."―Emily Yoon, A Cruelty Special to Our Species, Ordinary Misfortunes "A small girl on a large, empty page. Alone in a cruel uncaring world. A world at war. Grass is heartbreaking and beautiful. Recurring images of nature, at once delicate and strong, help you to breathe while you choke up from the brutality. Repetition of sky, trees, birds, grass, youth, hunger, old age, and friendship. War must end. Then tears and strength and heroism. Loss but also hope."―Miriam Katin, Letting Go, We Are On Our Own "Difficult, moving... Gendry-Kim tells Ok-sun’s powerful story with grace, artfulness, and humility; it deserves witness."―Publishers Weekly   Source:

  • Le Malerbe
    Le Malerbe
    Italian(Italiano) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2019 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    La fumettista coreana Keum Suk Gendry-Kim ha lavorato anni a questo racconto, basato sulla testimonianza diretta di una sopravvissuta, sul dramma delle comfort women, donne che durante la guerra di conquista che il Giappone mosse contro Corea e Cina nei primi anni Quaranta del Ventesimo secolo venivano vendute, rapite o costrette con l’inganno a lavorare come prostitute, violentate quotidianamente dai soldati. Questo libro è profondamente doloroso e rivanga un passato che spesso si è cercato di dimenticare o negare, ma che è importante conoscere e ricordare. Molto più che una biografia, Le malerbe è un racconto intimo e sentito, in cui anche la voce della narratrice è riconoscibile e importante, e si intreccia ai racconti, a volte comprensibilmente frammentari, di una donna che sente di non aver avuto un solo istante felice da quando è uscita dal ventre della madre, come dice lei stessa.Una lettura necessaria, che vi farà bene.   source :

  • Grama
    Portuguese(Português) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2020 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Grama é uma poderosa graphic novel antiguerra que narra a história real da sul-coreana Ok-sun Lee, vendida pela própria família na infância e forçada à escravidão sexual pelo Exército Imperial Japonês. Ela é uma das várias mulheres que foram capturadas para servir aos soldados nas chamadas “casas de conforto”, espalhadas pela China e por territórios ocupados pelo Japão durante a Segunda Guerra Sino-Japonesa e a Segunda Guerra Mundial, em um dos episódios mais vergonhosos do passado da humanidade. Ok-sun Lee, hoje com mais de 90 anos, se tornou uma importante ativista pela indenização das “mulheres de conforto”, e é por meio de seus relatos à autora Keum Suk Gendry-Kim que acompanhamos sua triste história de vida. Lançada na Coreia do Sul em 2017, a obra já ganhou publicações em outros seis idiomas e tem colecionado prêmios e elogios da crítica no mundo todo. Venceu o Prêmio Especial Bulles d’Humanité, do tradicional diário francês L’Humanité; entrou para as listas de melhores histórias em quadrinhos de 2019 dos jornais The New York Times e The Guardian; venceu os prêmios The Cartoonist Studio Prize, Big Other Book Award e VLA Graphic Novel Diversity Award; e agora, em 2020, está indicada em três categorias do célebre Prêmio Eisner, como Melhor escritor/artista, Melhor trabalho baseado em fatos e Melhor edição americana de material asiático. O grande êxito de Grama está em trazer à tona a questão desse gravíssimo crime de guerra em uma narrativa leve e chocante ao mesmo tempo, sempre com ênfase na força e determinação de sua protagonista para superar adversidades e manter-se viva. A edição da editora Pipoca & Nanquim, traduzida diretamente do coreano, tem 492 páginas em papel offset 90g, capa dura macia ao toque e com verniz localizado, lombada redonda e fitilho de tecido.   Source :

  • Jun
    French(Français) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2020 / -

    N'abordez pas la lecture de ce livre en imaginant découvrir la fabuleuse histoire d'un handicapé, musicien de génie, qui a pu surmonter toutes les difficultés auxquelles il était confronté grâce à l'amour inconditionnel de sa famille. Jun et sa famille, comme beaucoup de familles, luttent depuis de nombreuses années contre les préjugés et la discrimination qui règnent au sein de notre société.   Source :

  • Tráva
    Czech(Český Jazyk) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim et al / 김금숙 / 2021 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Působivý komiksový román přinášející svědectví o skutečném příběhu mladé dívky, sexuálně zotročené během 2. světové války. Source :

  • ウジョとソナ 独立運動家夫婦の子育て日記
    ウジョとソナ 独立運動家夫婦の子育て日記
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kun Woong Park et al / 박건웅 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Diary > Letter > Travelogue

    もうひとつ、同じ世界の別の片隅に窓が開いた。 何が同じで何が違うのか。 同じところはまるでおんなじで愛おしく、 違うところはわれわれが想像していたより はるか遠くにまで広がっていた。 ー片渕須直(アニメーション映画監督) 日本の支配と戦争の只中も、慈しんだ家族の日常。戦火の日々、夫婦が記したのは、娘の輝かしい成長と人間の彷徨える心だった。祖国・韓国は日本の植民地下。独立を夢見て亡命した中国は日中戦争に突入。避難生活を余儀なくされた「大韓民国臨時政府」夫妻の姿を、我が子、ジェシーに希望を託す「子育て」の視点から綴った日記をグラフィックノベル化(原題『:ジェシーの話』)。愛らしい赤ん坊の成長を主眼にして描きながら、日本軍の泥沼戦、独立という共通の、目的をもちながらバラバラな韓国同胞、泰然自若とした中国人の知られざる姿を繊細に、丁寧に描きだす。2018年ソウル図書館「今年の10冊」/2019年韓国文化体育観光部優秀文化商品選出 Source:

  • Trawa
    Polish(Polski) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2021 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Ta prawdziwa historia koreańskiej „pocieszycielki” pokazuje, w jaki sposób okrucieństwo wojny niszczy życie kobiet. „Trawa” to głośna antywojenna powieść graficzna, przedstawiająca historię życia koreańskiej dziewczyny, Lee Ok-sun, która została zmuszona do świadczenia usług seksualnych w japońskiej armii cesarskiej podczas drugiej wojny światowej – spornego rozdziału w historii Azji XX wieku. Począwszy od dzieciństwa Ok-seon, „Trawa” pokazuje rozpoczęcie II wojny światowej z perspektywy bezbronnego dziecka, szczegółowo opisując, jak jednostka doświadczyła japońskiej okupacji i pokazując powszechne cierpienie, jakie spowodowała ona dla zwykłych Koreańczyków. Kim Geum-suk podkreśla siłę bohaterki w pokonywaniu wielu form przeciwności. „Trawa” namalowana została czarnym tuszem, przedstawia szczegółowo i pięknie krajobrazy Korei, a do namalowania pełnych mroku wspomnień Ok-seon autorka użyła ciężkiego pędzla. Source :

  • L'attente
    French(Français) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2021 / -

    Soixante-dix ans se sont écoulés depuis le déclenchement de la guerre de Corée. Depuis 1953, la Corée est divisée en deux pays distincts, la Corée du Sud et la République populaire démocratique. Des familles entières ont été séparées. La mère de la narratrice n’a jamais revu son premier mari et son fils. Aujourd’hui encore, des démarches sont entreprises pour retrouver des proches disparus. Saisie par un sentiment d’urgence alors que la génération qui a connu la guerre s’éteint et la nouvelle oublie le passé, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim a interrogé sa mère pour qu’elle lui raconte ces blessures traumatisantes de la guerre et de la séparation. Séoul, de nos jours. Guja a 92 ans. Sa vie de retraitée est bousculée le jour où, parlant avec une amie, elle découvre le programme gouvernemental permettant à des familles coréennes séparées par la guerre en 1950 de se retrouver. Lui revient alors son passé, sa jeunesse, son premier mariage, ses deux premiers enfants. Et surtout, cet exode qui va la séparer de son mari et de son premier fils alors qu’elle reste seule avec son nourrisson. Jamais plus elle ne les reverra. Au crépuscule de sa vie, elle raconte à sa fille Jina, dessinatrice pour la jeunesse, cette vie brisée, ces moments de désespoir, sa vie d’après. Après Les Mauvaises Herbes, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim s’attaque à un autre pan dramatique de l’histoire de la Corée. Source :

  • Jun
    Italian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2021 / -

    Jun nasce nel 1990. A due anni e mezzo ancora non parla, e i genitori scoprono che è affetto da autismo, una malattia misconosciuta in Corea. Dopo aver tentato di curarlo in ogni modo, decidono di lasciargli frequentare la scuola, ma lo sguardo degli altri non è benevolo, su di lui. Da sempre sensibile ai suoni e ai rumori, Jun scopre la musica, e avviene qualcosa di prodigioso: Jun finalmente parla, canta, suona il piano, la chitarra, la batteria, impara il canto tradizionale Pansori. Registra album, compone centinaia di brani. Fiorisce. La storia, raccontata dal punto di vista della sorellina Yunsun, e il suo sguardo semplice e senza pregiudizi fa sorridere, e a tratti commuovere spontaneamente il lettore, come solo i bambini sanno fare. E Jun. Source :

  • The Waiting
    The Waiting
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2021 / -

    The story begins with a mother's confession...sisters permanently separated by a border during the Korean War Keum Suk Gendry-Kim was an adult when her mother revealed a family secret: She had been separated from her sister during the Korean War. It’s not an uncommon story―the peninsula was split across the 38th parallel, dividing one country into two. As many fled violence in the north, not everyone was able to make it south. Her mother’s story inspired Gendry-Kim to begin interviewing her and other Koreans separated by the war; that research fueled a deeply resonant graphic novel. The Waiting is the fictional story of Gwija, told by her novelist daughter Jina. When Gwija was 17 years old, after hearing that the Japanese were seizing unmarried girls, her family married her in a hurry to a man she didn't know. Japan fell, Korea gained its independence, and the couple started a family. But peace didn’t come. The young family of four fled south. On the road, while breastfeeding and changing her daughter, Gwija was separated from her husband and son. Then seventy years passed. Seventy years of waiting. Gwija is now an elderly woman and Jina can’t stop thinking about the promise she made to help find her brother. Expertly translated from the Korean by the award-winning translator Janet Hong, The Waiting is the devastating followup to Gendry-Kim’s Grass, which appeared on best of the year lists from the New York Times, The Guardian, Library Journal, and more. Source :