MINAFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance
La quatrième de couverture Mina, Minho et Sujeong, les trois lycéens de ce roman font partie de la nouvelle génération Gangnam Style. Après le suicide de sa meilleure amie, la vie de Mina bascule. Dans sa chute, elle entraîne Sujeong, son autre amie. Freinée dans des ambitions qu’elle pense légitimes, cette dernière va se venger de la plus horrible des manières. Une vengeance à plonger le lecteur dans la stupeur. Avec Mina, nous entrons dans le royaume de la jeunesse dorée de Séoul, une jeunesse surtout soucieuse de jouir sans entrave, qui n’a ni désillusion, ni scrupule, ni traumatisme. Impassible devant la souffrance des autres (ou des animaux) et certaine de son destin protégé, elle est fière d’appartenir à une élite abrutie par le maintien de son statut social. À 29 ans, considérée comme une écrivaine irrévérencieuse, Kim Apple est la figure de proue des écrivains en révolte contre un système accusé de broyer une jeunesse insouciante jusqu’à l’inconscience, jouisseuse, violente et si peu préoccupée de l’intérêt public. Elle dénonce sans relâche une société mercantile et stressante, et des conflits intergénérationnels qui poussent chaque catégorie à en exclure une autre. Source: http://www.decrescenzo-editeurs.com/portfolio-items/mina/
The Future of SilenceEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
OH JUNGHEE et al / 오정희 et al / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
Spanning almost half a century of contemporary writing in Korea (from the 1970s to the present), The Future of Silence brings together some of the most accomplished twentieth-century women writers with a new generation of young, bold voices. Their work takes us into the homes, families, lives, and psyches of Korean women, men, and children. Pak Wan-sŏ, at the time of her passing the elder stateswoman of contemporary Korean fiction, opens the door into two “Identical Apartments” where neighbors, bound as much by competition as friendship, struggle to “keep up with the Kims” as they transition from life in an extended family to a new nuclear-family lifestyle in a sterile apartment complex. O Chŏng-hŭi, who has been compared to Joyce Carol Oates and Alice Munro, examines a day in the life of a woman recently released from a mental institution, while younger writers, such as Kim Sagwa, Han Yujoo, and Ch’ŏn Un-yŏng explore psychosis, literary experimentation, and bi-racial childhood. These stories will sometimes disturb and sometimes delight, as they illuminate complex issues in Korean life and literature. Internationally acclaimed translators Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton have won several awards and fellowships for the numerous works of modern Korean fiction they have translated into English. Source: http://www.zephyrpress.org/new.php#futuresilence
Asia Literary ReviewEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Cheon Myeong-kwan et al / 천명관 et al / 2016 / -
Au paradisFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Kay, Coréenne de passage aux États-Unis, découvre la vie new-yorkaise en compagnie de sa séduisante amie Summer et son petit ami Dan, deux jeunes amateurs de soirées festives et de lieux branchés — un milieu plutôt aisé. De rencontres en nuits blanches où l’alcool coule à flots et la drogue s’invite parfois, le trio mène une vie insouciante. Mais le rêve prend fin lorsque Kay doit rentrer en Corée et renouer avec la réalité de sa vie quotidienne. Le lecteur va la suivre dans ses rencontres américaines et coréennes, ses petites joies et ses désillusions. L’attrait du roman réside dans l’analyse sociologique fine qui infuse l’histoire. Le milieu social de chaque individu est décortiqué, comme le sont son parcours personnel, ses choix de vie. Certains passages prennent la forme d’un pamphlet où l’auteur, dans un discours assumé, n’hésite pas à « démonter » ses personnages, dénoncer leur travers ou, plus précisément, ce qui dans la société les broie. Un récit de facture réaliste où les dialogues, souvent durs et sans détour, collent à la situation realistico-actuelle des jeunes locuteurs. source: decrescenzo.com
minaEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance
Kim’s English-language debut shines a light on the unique pressures faced by Korean teenagers, and the darker sides of adolescent rage. Outwardly, Crystal seems like an average teen: clever, beautiful, and confident, she studies hard for cram school, goes to karaoke, and has a rotating cast of boyfriends she discards with ease. Her best friend is the titular Mina, whose older brother, Minho, is the boy Crystal has a crush on, and with whom Crystal has a refreshingly realistic and caustic relationship. But when Pak Chiye, a girl from their high school and Mina’s childhood friend, kills herself by jumping from the roof of their school building, Mina is greatly affected, withdrawing from school and growing depressed. For Crystal, this serves as something of a trigger, with her behavior becoming increasingly more erratic as she must reconcile her own sense of self with the pressures placed on young people by a society where “reward means suffering and suffering means reward.” This escalates into random acts of violence, which stand out from the dialogue- and detail-heavy novel as particularly chilling and heartbreaking. As a writer, Kim is wordy and specific, sometimes too concerned with the minutiae of an interaction and drawing attention away from the story at large. But as a cartographer and guide of the teenage experience, she is an expert, crafting an unsettling, deeply felt, and ultimately devastating depiction of the turmoil of youth. Source URL : https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-931883-74-0
b, Book, and MeEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Best friends b and Rang are all each other have. Their parents are absent, their teachers avert their eyes when they walk by. Everyone else in town acts like they live in Seoul even though it's painfully obvious they don’t. When Rang begins to be bullied horribly by the boys in baseball hats, b fends them off. But one day Rang unintentionally tells the whole class about b’s dying sister and how her family is poor, and each of them finds herself desperately alone. The only place they can reclaim themselves, and perhaps each other, is beyond the part of town where lunatics live―the End. In a piercing, heartbreaking, and astonishingly honest voice, Kim Sagwa’s b, Book, and Me walks the precipice between youth and adulthood, reminding us how perilous the edge can be. Source : https://www.amazon.com
Ich, B und BuchGerman(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Eine kleine Stadt am Meer. Die Erzählerin, „Ich”, eine einsame Schülerin, wird gemobbt. Das Meer bietet ihr Zuflucht. Als sie sich auch noch mit „B”, ihrer einzigen Freundin, zerstreitet, rennt sie von der Schule und ihrem Zuhause weg. Zufällig begegnet ihr „Buch”, ein Außenseiter, der permanent liest. Buch nimmt sie auf. Auch B kommt nach einer Familientragödie hinzu. Eine kurze schöne Zeit in einer „alternattiven Welt“ beginnt. Irgendwann begegnen sie anderen Schülern. Als „Ich” sieht, wie eine Gruppe B verprügelt, nimmt sie einen Stein in die Hand ... Gruppenmobbing, Armut und Entfremdung, eine düstere und unklare Zukunft Heranwachsender werden in diesem Roman aufgrund der explosiven Energie und des einzigartigen Schreibstils der Autorin auf besondere Weise beleuchtet. Die Autorin beschränkt sich nicht darauf, die Hauptcharaktere zu bemitleiden, Schuldzuweisungen zu machen oder eine Lösung anzubieten. Stattdessen lässt sie ihre jungen, manchmal wuterfüllten Stimmen nach außen dringen und die Leser tiefgründig mit deren Leben sympathisieren. Vielleicht könnte der Roman auch andeuten, dass die Erinnerung an schöne Momente schon ausreicht. Source : https://www.amazon.de/Ich-B-Buch-Kim/dp/3887695828
Io, B e LibroItalian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim) et al / 김사과 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Una strana e bellissima storia si svolge attorno a uno studente solitario di scuola media chiamato semplicemente "Io", la sua unica amica "B", e "Libro", una persona non identificata che vive da sola alla periferia della città. I loro genitori sono assenti, i loro insegnanti distolgono lo sguardo quando passano. Tutti gli altri in città si comportano come se vivessero a Seoul anche se è evidente che così non è. Quando Io inizia a subire bullismo da parte dei ragazzi con i berretti da baseball, B li respinge. Ma un giorno Io racconta involontariamente all'intera classe della sorella morente di B e di come la sua famiglia sia povera, ed entrambi si ritrovano disperatamente soli. L'unico posto in cui possono reclamare se stessi, e forse l'un l'altra, è oltre la zona della città dove vivono i pazzi: la Fine. Io vuole essere il mare, B vuole essere un pesce, Libro vuole essere un libro. Il mondo che sognano non è il mondo reale, ma qualcosa fuori dalla realtà. Tuttavia restano esseri umani che non ricevono alcuna attenzione dai loro simili. Source : https://www.mondadoristore.it/Io-B-e-libro-Kim-Sagwa/eai978886564363/#tabMenu-4
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