Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

19 results
  • Reading Korea
    Reading Korea
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Without question, literature is the best place to start knowing and understanding one another. For isn't there a real fascinating connection between writers and place - where people come from and where they go? A very large part of a nation's writing is the story of its roots in a place and when Koreans come to our country, they bring with them the story of their roots in Korea.     Source:

  • 6 stories 現代韓国女性作家短編
    6 stories 現代韓国女性作家短編
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Ji-Young Gong et al / 공지영 et al / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    30~40代の女性作家6人が描く「今日の韓国」。隣の部屋の女に翻弄される主婦の日常「隣の家の女」、カウンセリングを受け離婚を決意する「ちょっとした日々の記録」など。巻末エッセー・鷺沢萠 Source:シックスストーリーズ-現代韓国女性作家短編-キム-インスク/dp/4087733602

  • 笑いの三千里 朝鮮ユーモア文学傑作選
    笑いの三千里 朝鮮ユーモア文学傑作選
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Park Heungmin et al / 박흥민 et al / 1992 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This is a collection of 16 short stories and content, primarily focusing on humorous writing from the 1980s and short stories from the Japanese colonial era. It features short pieces of writing by Park Wansuh, Song Yong, and Yi Ki-yong.

  • Солонгосын шилдэг зохиолын дээжис
    Солонгосын шилдэг зохиолын дээжис
    Mongolian(Монгол Хэл) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Yun-gi et al / 이윤기 et al / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 韩国现代小说选
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    《韩国现代小说选》是由韩国文学翻译院组织专家精选的作品集,选取了从1950年代到2000年代反映每个时代精神特征和社会面貌的12部短篇小说。通过描写50年代战争创伤的《受难二代》、60年代颓废一代的《汉城,1964年冬》、70年代产业化时代里精神失乡民的《去森浦的路》,以及反映80年代民众运动和工人运动、90年代个人写作和女性主义文学,2000年代新的写作模式和想像力的作品,小说家们勾画出了一道真实而鲜活的韩国社会的变迁轨迹。 镇守要回来了,镇守要活着回来了。某某人来了战死通知书某某人杳无音信不知是死是活而我们镇守今天要活着回来了,一想到这事儿,万道几乎都要飘起来了。也许是听了这消息吧,朴万道一口气就爬上了平常怎么也要歇一两口气儿才能翻过去的龙头坡,尽管胸13怦怦直跳还边喘着粗气,可是爬上了坡顶他都不想歇口气儿,因为隔着田野远远望见的车站里正升起股股白烟而且传来汽笛的长呜声。儿子坐的火车快中午了才会到。     Source:

  • 等待铜管乐队
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Kim Insuk et al / 김인숙 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story


    French(Français) Available

    KIM Ae-ran et al / 김애란 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This is a selection of short stories by prominent writers in Korean contemporary literature from the 1970s and 1980s. It contains the works of six writers, including Park Wansuh, Cho Sunjak, Hwang Sok-yong, Yi Mun-yol, Oh Junghee, and Lee Dong-ha.

  • The long road
    The long road
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Insuk et al / 김인숙 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    In-Suk Kim is one of the best of the new breed of socially- and politically-conscious writers to come out of Korea. She has an intense, internalized style of writing, with strong narrative skills. A short novel, The Long Road has many characteristics of a play, with the three main characters articulating their disappointments, disillu-sionments, anger and grief. Her characters are in turmoil, unable to reconnect or to reconcile. Life is not what they expected or hoped. Choices made are not free and clear; any decision made has consequences. The future is bleak . . . Kim writes in a particularly strong social and political voice. Her stories resonate with inner conflicts of the main characters, who carry with them the effects of modern Korea s upheavals dictatorships, secret police and torture, and student uprisings. She describes cultural incompatabilities be they social and class divisions, economic and political boundries, or gender differences . . . [Her writings] take aim at South Korea s modern social and political history for creating the country s exiles. Her stories offer no clear resolution, however, they explore how the devastation of a generation of Koreans through war and political strife has left its mark. As with the Korean dilemma, her stories no clear resolution or reconciliation   Source:

  • Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    OH JUNGHEE et al / 오정희 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Diez relatos, es una selección hecha entre la pléyade de escritoras de reconocido nombre en las letras coreanas actuales, en los que se abordan diferentes aspectos de la condición femenina, a través de experiencias autobiográficas, tradiciones, costumbres, leyes no escritas y también, como no, de la fantasía de las autoras. Retratos psicológicos de mujeres que viven bajo la férula más o menos visible del hombre y la familia, en los que se muestran  los conflictos entre su propia intimidad y las normas sociales.   Source:

  • ガラスの番人
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Park Wansuh et al / 박완서 et al / 1994 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
