
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

5 results
  • Uzak Doğu’ya bir pencere
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Yeni Safak / January 09, 2019

    Geçtiğimiz yüzyılda Uzak Doğulu Edebiyatçılar eserlerinde daha çok yerelliğe yer verdikleri için ve bu sebeple güzel çeviriler yapılamadığı için belki de ilgi bu kadar çok değildi. Ancak artık gerek Çinli gerek Japon gerekse Koreli edebiyatçılar yerellikle evrenselliği eserlerinde yansıttıkça ve bu eserler farklı dillere çevrildikçe daha geniş bir okur kitlesi kazanıyorlar.

  • Çağdaş edebiyatın ironiden oluştuğuna inanıyorum
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Hürriyet / November 03, 2017

    ‘Başka Topraklarda Rüzgâr Sert Eser’ Kore Savaşı sonrası yurduna dönmeyen bir Türk’ün ve evlat edindiği Koreli bir çocuğun hikâyesi. Savaş artığı bir hayatın üstüne yeni bir yaşam kurmaya çalışan, Müslüman bir domuz kasabının ve çevresindeki insanların hayatını yakıcı bir ironiyle anlatıyor Honggyu Son. 36’ıncı TÜYAP İstanbul Kitap Fuarı’nın konuk yazarları arasında olan Son’la romanı üzerine konuştuk.

  • ERÜ’ de 10th Korean Literature in Erün Author Contest award ceremony was held
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Haber Tadı / October 21, 2016

    Source: http://www.habertadi.com/erude-10-kore-edebiyati-eser-yarismasi-odul-toreni-duzenlendi-2-813512.html

  • ERÜ’de 10'uncu Kore Edebiyatı Eser Yarışması ödül töreni düzenlendi
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Hürriyet / October 22, 2016

    Source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/erude-10uncu-kore-edebiyati-eser-yarismasi-od-40255783

  • Memory, Time, and Politics | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Memory, Time, and Politics   By Son Jeong Soo on Oct 22 2014 08:20:08 Vol.1 Autumn 2008 In a country where industrialization and democracy took root simultaneously, how will young Korean writers reflect on and investigate the issues of Korean modern history? These writers examine society’s social problems through a new reality and through new techniques. Within the prism of their vision, what will be the reality of the Korean society that they perceive?     After the 1990s, Korean society entered a new phase that was different from the past. People began agreeing that Korea was a rare case among developing countries in that it had accomplished both industrialization and democratization. Upon the realization of industrial and democratic goals, matters of individual desire begin to precede attitudes emphasizing public ideology. Due to the intimate relationship between literature and society, this kind of social change has been organically reflected in novels. The concern of novels has gradually shifted from the public sphere to the private sphere. The position of nation, people, and ideology in novels has been replaced by matters of domesticity and private life such as issues of family, sexuality, social minorities, and so forth. The changes are evident in the form of the novel. Varieties of media became more prominent, and the walls between high culture and low culture have broken down. With these social changes, the boundary between literature and other media has continued to collapse. Traditionally accepted aesthetics has lost its ground in contemporary Korean novels.