
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

279 results
    English(English) Article

    BOOK RIOT / June 01, 2020

    Sometimes what history class teaches us just isn’t enough. I know that for me, the Korean War was little more than a chapter in a history textbook. Thankfully, there are plenty of supplemental materials out there for those who want to educate themselves. Though this war only lasted three years (from 1950 to 1953), its massive impact on the United States, North and South Korea, and the world still reverberates today. Dive in with some of the best Korean War books below and get learning!

  • 3世代の家族史が映し出す朝鮮半島の歴史
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    Asahi Shimbun GLOBE / August 02, 2020

    韓国文学の大御所、黄晳暎(ファン・ソギョン)の新作『鉄道員3代』は、600ページを超える大作だ。 ジノは地上45メートル、コンクリートの煙突上部のぐるりと手すりのついた幅1メートルほどの空間で籠城中だ。25年間勤めた工場が閉鎖され、解雇労働者を代表してデモを行っているのだ。孤独な夜、ジノは空のペットボトルに、今は亡き人々の名前を書いて並べた。すると彼らが現れ、過去の世界へと誘われる。

  • Las nueve críticas literarias de la semana
    Las nueve críticas literarias de la semana
    Spanish(Español) Article

    EL CORREO / September 11, 2020

    La narrativa de ambientación rural está experimentando en España una curiosa vuelta de tuerca que consiste en presentar el campo como experiencia existencial del héroe o la heroína novelescos. En una obra publicada este mismo año, 'Un cambio de verdad', el barcelonés Gabi Martínez se propone a sí mismo como personaje que decide dejar las comodidades urbanas y trabajar de pastor de ovejas en tierras extremeñas

  • Al Atardecer' de Hwang Sok-Yong (Editorial Alianza)
    Al Atardecer' de Hwang Sok-Yong (Editorial Alianza)
    Spanish(Español) Article

    DIARIO VASCO / September 21, 2020

    Hwang Sok-yong es uno de los escritores surcoreanos más representativos y un hombre al que su compromiso político con los movimientos de democratización y unificación nacionales le ha valido la cárcel y el exilio. 'El atardecer' es un fiel reflejo del cariz social de su literatura.

  • Hwang Sŏk-Yŏng, Tutte le cose della nostra vita
    Hwang Sŏk-Yŏng, Tutte le cose della nostra vita
    Italian(Italiano) Article

    doppiozero / September 21, 2020

    Nella Corea post-industrializzazione c’è una categoria di persone che vivono ai margini della nuova ricchezza che coinvolge il paese; sono poveri che hanno trovato il modo di sostenersi lavorando ai piedi di una discarica ironicamente denominata Isola Fiorita: sono donne, uomini, anziani ma anche bambini che ogni giorno selezionano le enormi quantità di rifiuti prodotti dal resto della città alla ricerca di qualcosa di valore da poter poi usare come merce di scambio. Non escono quasi mai da Isola Fiorita: il loro odore penetrante li identifica subito come abitanti della discarica, e come tali non sono bene accetti in città.  

  • Verso snares Hwang Sok-Yong's imprisonment memoir
    Verso snares Hwang Sok-Yong's imprisonment memoir
    English(English) Article

    The Bookseller / October 06, 2020

    Verso Books is to publish the memoir of Korean novelist Hwang Sok-Yong, which details the years he spent in a Seoul Detention Centre.  Jessie Kindig acquired world English rights to The Prisoner from Laura Susjin at The Susjin Agency. 

  • Getting Started With Translated Korean Fiction
    Getting Started With Translated Korean Fiction
    English(English) Article

    The Nerd Daily / October 04, 2020

    Just as with Japanese fiction, there are as many reasons to love Korean fiction as there are to love the fiction of any culture or country, your own or otherwise. But it can be difficult sometimes to know where to start. Maybe you’re interested in specific aspects of Korean culture. Maybe you just want to broaden your reading horizons. Whatever your reason, I hope you’ll be emboldened to find your new favourite read.

  • Uzak Doğu’ya bir pencere
    Uzak Doğu’ya bir pencere
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Yeni Safak / January 09, 2019

    Geçtiğimiz yüzyılda Uzak Doğulu Edebiyatçılar eserlerinde daha çok yerelliğe yer verdikleri için ve bu sebeple güzel çeviriler yapılamadığı için belki de ilgi bu kadar çok değildi. Ancak artık gerek Çinli gerek Japon gerekse Koreli edebiyatçılar yerellikle evrenselliği eserlerinde yansıttıkça ve bu eserler farklı dillere çevrildikçe daha geniş bir okur kitlesi kazanıyorlar.

  • Odyssée sexuelle en mer de Chine
    Odyssée sexuelle en mer de Chine
    French(Français) Article

    RFI / January 08, 2019

    Différentes légendes coréennes orales ont popularisé le personnage de Shim Chong, au point que son histoire est devenue un pansori, une saga chantée, la quintessence des arts visuels traditionnels du pays. Le romancier Hwang Sok-yong a donc adossé son récit sur un thème célèbre : la fille d’un pauvre aveugle accepte d’être vendue à des marins pour que son père puisse recouvrer la vue.

  • ‘Ne yapsak ne yaşayabiliyor ne ölebiliyoruz’
    ‘Ne yapsak ne yaşayabiliyor ne ölebiliyoruz’
    Turkish(Türkçe) Article

    Hürriyet / December 27, 2018

    Asya’nın önemli yazarı Hwang Sok-yong Türkçeye çevrilen son romanı ‘Tanıdık Şeyler’de işte bu çöplerin içerisindeki hayatı yani ‘Çiçek Adası’nı anlatıyor.