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2014 Guadalajara International Book Fair: Author Bae Su-ah Introductory Booklet

2014 Guadalajara International Book Fair: Author Bae Su-ah Introductory Booklet
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2014 Guadalajara International Book Fair: Author Bae Su-ah Introductory Booklet
2014 Guadalajara International Book Fair, Bae Su-ah, Sunday Sukiyaki Restaurant, Bajolaluna, Korean Literature Essay Contest for Overseas Readers
Event > Book Fair > International Book Fair (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an introductory booklet on novelist Bae Su-ah, produced for literary events at the Guadalajara International Book Fair and a nearby university Guadalajara International Book Fair. Bae Su-ah participated in literary events at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, CECYTEJ, and N°26 Secondary School between November 28 and December 7—where she introduced her work Sunday Sukiyaki Restaurant. The events were co-organized by Bajolaluna, the publisher of the Spanish translation of Sunday Sukiyaki Restaurant. From March to December, 2014, students at University of Guadalajara and Autonomous University of Nayarit were invited to participate in a Korean literature essay contest, and Bae Su-ah attended the award ceremony on December 1. This 41-page booklet consists of: “About the Author’s Literary World”, “About the Work”, “Excerpt”, “Essay”, “Criticism”, “Biography” and “Bibliography”.

과달라하라 국제도서전과 인근 대학에서의 문학행사를 위해 제작한 소설가 배수아의 작가소개자료이다. 배수아 작가는 11월 28일부터 12월 7일까지 과달라하라 국제도서전, CECYTEJ, N°26 중고등학교에서 작품 『일요일 스키야키 식당』출간 기념회를 가졌다. 기념회는 스페인어 출판사 Bajolaluna가 공동 기획했다. 같은 해 3월부터 12월까지 과달라하라 대학교와 테픽 나야리트 대학교 학생 대상 독후감대회가 진행되었고, 배수아 작가는 12월 1일 시상식에 참석해 독자를 만났다. 이 자료집은 총 41 페이지로 구성되어있으며, ‘작품 세계’, ‘작품 발표’, ‘작품 발췌’, ‘에세이’, ‘비평’, ‘전기’, ‘참고문헌’으로 구성되어있다.