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Sourcebook for the Exchange Event for Ethnic Korean Writers in Russia-Central Asia

Sourcebook for the Exchange Event for Ethnic Korean Writers in Russia-Central Asia
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Sourcebook for the Exchange Event for Ethnic Korean Writers in Russia-Central Asia
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Title
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PDF/A Document
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온라인 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia, a Korean-Russian-Central Asian exchange event was held in Moscow, Russia, to raise the interest of readers in Korea and abroad in Korean writers and works of Korean literature in the region. The main event, which was participated by seven local writers and two Korean writers, was a platform to discuss the policy direction for promoting exchanges between Korea and Russia and establishing strategies for introducing Korean literature abroad. Writers from Russia and Central Asia who participated in the event shared their opinions on various topics on their national identities and the meaning of their literary activities as writers in multicultural communities. This sourcebook contains the program of events, information on sessions, and the presented papers.

한-러 수교 30주년을 기념하여, 러시아 권역 한인 작가, 작품에 대한 국내외 문학향유층의 관심을 제고하기 위하여 한민족 러시아-중앙아시아 교류행사가 개최되었다. 한러 교류 활성화 정책 수립과 해외 현지 한국문학 소개전략 수립 방향을 협의하기 위한 자리였다. 행사에 참가한 러시아·중앙아시아 출신 작가들은 자신의 민족정체성과 다문화 공동체 속 작가로서 문학활동이 지니는 의의에 대해 다양한 주제로 의견을 나누었다. 본 자료집에는 행사 일정, 세션 정보, 참가자별 발제문 등이 수록되어 있다.