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Sourcebook of the Discussion on the Policy for Promoting Exchange for Korean Diaspora Literature

Sourcebook of the Discussion on the Policy for Promoting Exchange for Korean Diaspora Literature
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Sourcebook of the Discussion on the Policy for Promoting Exchange for Korean Diaspora Literature
Diaspora, diaspora literature, overseas Korean literature, research, symposium, discussion, forum
Media · Publication > Korean Literature > Title
Item type
PDF/A Document
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도서관 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This event was designed to share research on ways to vitalize exchange of Korean diaspora literature and to discuss the policy for diaspora literature project that has been tailored to the characteristics of different regions. The first part of the discussion involved presentations by five researchers in charge of conducting studies in the five regions and proposals of policies for Korean diaspora literature that have been tailored to the characteristics of each region. In the second part, experts from various fields held a discussion. The sourcebook contains the papers presented by the participants. Kim Uirak (Americas/Yong In University), Song Myung-hee (Canada/Pukyong National University), Li Haiying (China/Ocean University of China), Kim Hwan-ki (Japan/Dongguk University), Kim Phil (Central Asia/Kangnam University), Hong Yong-hee (Kyung Hee Cyber University, President of the International Association for Literature of Korean Residents Abroad), Chung Eun-Gwi (Hankook University of Foreign Studies), Kim Young-mi (Kongju National University), Kim Joung-Uck (Seoul National University), Yoo Im-Ha (Korea National Sport University), Oh Won Kyo (Korea University)

본행사는 한민족 이산문학 교류활성화 방안 연구 내용을 공유하고 권역별 특성에 맞춘 이산문학 사업 정책에 대해 논의하고자 마련된 자리이다. 1부 순서에는 권역별 연구를 맡은 연구자 5인이 지금까지의 성과를 발표하고 각 지역의 특성에 맞춘 이산문학 진흥 정책을 제안하였다. 2부 순서에는 각계 전문가의 토론이 이어졌다. 자료집에는 참여자 전원의 발제 내용이 수록되어 있다. 디아스포라, 디아스포라 문학, 이산문학, 해외 한인문학, 연구, 심포지움, 토론회, 포럼 김의락(미주/용인대), 송명희(캐나다/부경대), 이해영(중국/중국해양대), 김환기(일본/동국대), 김필영(중앙아시아/강남대), 홍용희(경희 사이버대, 국제한인문학회장), 정은귀(한국외대), 김영미(공주대), 김종욱(서울대), 유임하(한국체대), 오원교(고려대)