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This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


2021 Bilingual Literary Reading E-books

2021 Bilingual Literary Reading E-books
Data number
Control number
2021 Bilingual Literary Reading E-books
Bilingual literary reading, translation, E-book, Oh Eun, Cho Haejin, Yoo Seungdo, Yoo Kanghee, Pyo Myunghee, Kim Eonhee, Son Mi, Choi Jeong, Lee An, Kim Tae Hyung, Kim Bok Hui
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Korea)
Korean(한국어), English(English), Spanish(Español), Chinese(简体), Japanese(日本語), French(Français), Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt), Arabic(اللغة العربية), Russian(Русский)
Item type
Temporary publication
PDF/A Document
Access Type
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

These e-books contain works by 11 writers who participated in Bilingual Literary Readings at the 2021 Seoul International Writers’ Festival, in both Korean and foreign languages. The participants were Oh Eun (French/Spanish), Cho Haejin (Japanese), Yoo Seungdo (Russian), Yoo Kanghee (French), Pyo Myunghee (Chinese), Kim Eonhee (Russian), Son Mi (English), Choi Jeong ( English), Lee An (Spanish), Kim Tae Hyung (Vietnamese), and Kim Bok Hui (Arabic). Each e-book is produced in the form of a leaflet used for the event. There is an additional e-book containing translations of works by the 11 writers.

2021 서울국제작가축제 교차언어 낭독회에 참가한 작가 11인의 작품이 수록된 전자책 모음이다. 각각 한국어 및 해당 언어로 번역되어 있다. 오은(프랑스어/스페인어), 조해진(일본어), 유승도(러시아어), 유강희(프랑스어), 표명희(중국어), 김언희(러시아어), 손미(영어), 최정진(영어), 이안(스페인어), 김태형(베트남어), 김복희(아랍어) 작가가 참여하였습니다. 각각 행사에 사용된 리플렛 형태로 되어있으며, 11인의 작가 번역 작품 합본 파일 1개도 추가되어 있다.