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1527 Books Funded by LTI Korea and Published Overseas

1527 Books Funded by LTI Korea and Published Overseas
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1527 Books Funded by LTI Korea and Published Overseas
catalog, book cover, art brochure, Korean literature, translated book, Korean literature in translation, overseas publication, international book cover
Media · Publication > Institute > LTI Korea
Item type
PDF/A Document
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

A book containing the covers of 1,572 books of Korean literature that were published overseas with funding from the Literature Translation Institute of Korea by 2020. Each page contains one book cover, and the book also contains a photograph of 99 books including the ones including the winners of overseas literary awards. An essay about the publication of the translations of Korean literature (written by Jang Eun-su) and an essay about the cover page designs of Korean literature published overseas (written by Sulki & Min) have also been included in the book.

한국문학번역원 지원으로 2020년까지 해외에서 출간된 한국문학 번역서 1,527종의 표지를 수록한 도록. 한 종의 표지를 한 페이지에 담았으며, 해외문학상 수상작을 포함한 99종 도서의 사진촬영컷도 수록했다. 한국문학 번역출간에 관한 글(필자: 장은수), 한국문학 해외출간서 표지 디자인에 관한 글(필자: 슬기와 민)도 함께 담았다.

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Korea Open Government License(KOGL) Type 4

This work held by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea can be used under the conditions of the “Korea Open Government License (KOGL) Type 4: Source Indication, Commercial Use Prohibition, and Change Prohibition.” However, there may be additional restrictions against the use of photographic works, which are protected by copyright. Therefore please inquire before use.