Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Public Relations

Public Relations
Data number
Control number
Public Relations
Literature Translation Institute of Korea, LTI Korea, Korean Literature, Translation, PR, public institute
Media · Publication > Institute > LTI Korea
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

LTI Korea’s online and offline PR program is designed to enhance the institute’s international profile as a pivotal organization in introducing Korean literature worldwide. We promote our public role and responsibilities at home and abroad by various means: distributing press releases, holding press conferences, operating social media accounts, and producing a wide range of new content and materials such as annual reports and leaflets.

세계문학으로서의 한국문학의 장을 여는 중추기관으로서 인지도를 제고하기 위해 온·오프라인 홍보를 추진한다. 보도자료 배포, 기자간담회 개최 등 언론 홍보, SNS 채널 운영 및 뉴미디어 콘텐츠 제작, 사업연감, 리플렛 등 홍보물 제작을 통해 기관의 공적 역할과 책임을 대내외에 알리고자 한다.