Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

7 results
  • 薩哈公寓
    Chinese(汉语) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2020 / -

    繼《82年生的金智英》享譽國際之後, 趙南柱再度為弱勢發聲! 就算真相只帶來絕望, 我也想和你們一起活到最後…… 這裡是失敗者的放逐之地, 也是我們最後能隸屬的共同體。 我們在此迎向人生的終點, 也在此萌生蛻變的勇氣。 ... 這本書同時指出了新自由主義反烏托邦思想的現在和未來,以及人生的真相和理想。——申晨星(文學評論家) 這本書使我們回頭關注社會上的弱勢,和少數人所面臨的差別待遇和仇視。——金賢(詩人) 《薩哈公寓》是「殘酷又美麗的科幻小說。——鄭世朗(作家) 有聲書朗讀者 連俞涵(演員、作家) 獻聲推薦 ... 在南邊某一處,有一座由企業收購、宣布獨立的小小城鎮。 由七人制的總理團經營,對世上築起堅固的高牆。 外人難以進入,住在裡面的人則不願出去。 ※ 城鎮有L和L2兩種人。L有居住權,具備資本、技術或專業知識。 L2只有兩年居留權,從事低新勞動工作,要接受審查才能保留身分。 另外,還有一群沒有居留權也沒有居住權、什麼都不是的人, 住在一棟日漸破敗的老舊公寓,被稱為「薩哈」。 ... 這群受主流社會排擠、走投無路的邊緣人,都是階級、貧窮和暴力的犧牲者,40年來,彼此卻在薩哈公寓找到安身立命的方式,相濡以沫,團結互助。 然而,長久平靜的生活卻因一樁命案掀起波瀾。有城鎮居民身分的小兒科醫師「秀」,被人發現陳屍在公園裡的一輛車上,身上有性侵痕跡,警察認為嫌犯正是自稱為「秀」男友的道暻……。 隨著城鎮居民對「薩哈公寓」的存在越來越不滿,公寓面臨拆除危機,此時住戶代表友美又突然失蹤……。 ... 與《82年生的金智英》相比,本書所關注的問題更加廣泛,趙南柱這次將目光移到那些被主流社會排擠的人,書寫那些不被看見的故事。從2012年3月就開始動筆的《薩哈公寓》,在反烏托邦的世界觀架構下,刻畫在國家系統之外被邊緣化的共同體,是如何生活的。讀者可以看到難民、墮胎、育兒、邊緣化、殘障就業、人體實驗等問題,那些無法融入社會、遭受差別待遇的人們,有如居住在薩哈公寓的另一個「金智英」。 她希望可以藉由這本小說表示,即使人生沒有改善,薩哈公寓的居民也沒有癱坐在被壓榨的缺乏中,而是團結起來,一點一點地在改變自己的位置。   Source :

  • Saha Mansion
    Saha Mansion
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2021 / -

    Sinopsis Ada dua kelas masyarakat yang diakui di kota-negara aneh yang disebut Town, yaitu L dan L2. Lyang lebih sering disebut Wargaadalah penduduk resmi yang memiliki status finansial tingkat tertentu, pengetahuan, dan keahlian yang dibutuhkan Town. Sedangkan L2 adalah orang-orang yang tidak bisa digolongkan sebagai penduduk resmi, tetapi memiliki izin tinggal sementara. Lalu, ada Saha, golongan masyarakat yang tidak diakui, yang terdiri atas para imigran gelap, difabel, korban kekerasan, dan kemiskinan yang menghuni Saha Mansion. Apa yang terjadi ketika seorang dokter wanita muda yang terhormat ditemukan tewas dengan tanda-tanda kelebihan dosis, pelecehan seksual, dan satu-satunya tersangka adalah kekasihnya yang berasal dari golongan Saha? Polisi segera menahan si kekasih, tetapi apakah pria itu memang pelakunya? Apa hubungannya dengan orang-orang yang menghilang dari Saha Mansion secara misterius? Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di dalam tembok Town yang tidak bisa ditembus? Dan siapa sebenarnya ketujuh menteri tanpa wajah yang memimpin kota-negara itu? Source :

  • サハマンション
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2021 / -

    チョ・ナムジュ × 斎藤真理子 『82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン』コンビによる衝撃、再び! 「世界でいちばん小さくいちばん異常な都市国家」である「タウン」。そこでは……。 「口にしたり書いたり印刷したりしてはいけない単語があった。…歌ってはいけない歌があり、読んではいけない本があり、歩いてはいけない通りがあった」。 その中で、「サハマンション」は「唯一の通路もしくは非常口のような場所だった」。 そこには犯罪を犯して逃亡してきた者たち、「タウン」から排除された人々が流れついていた。 Source :サハマンション-単行本-チョ・ナムジュ/dp/4480832173

    French(Français) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2023 / -

    Dans une ville-État appelée Town, une femme est retrouvée morte dans une voiture abandonnée. Immédiatement, la police oriente ses recherches vers la résidence Saha. Town est la ville la plus riche du monde. Foncièrement inégalitaire, elle est divisée entre riches et pauvres. Les plus démunis, dépourvus de tous droits, vivent dans la résidence Saha, occupant des logements sans eau ni électricité, condamnés à accepter les travaux les plus pénibles pour survivre. source:

  • Saha
    English(English) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2022 / -

    From the author of international bestseller Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 In a country called ‘Town’, Su is found dead in an abandoned car. The suspected killer is presumed to come from the Saha Estates. Town is a privatised country, controlled by a secretive organisation known as the Seven Premiers. It is a society clearly divided into the haves and have-nots and those who have the very least live on the Saha Estates. Among their number is Jin-Kyung, a young woman whose brother, Dok-yung, was in a relationship with Su and quickly becomes the police’s prime suspect. When Dok-yung disappears, Jin Ky-ung is determined to get to the bottom of things. On her quest to find the truth, though, she will uncover a reality far darker and crimes far greater than she could ever have imagined. At once a dystopian mystery and devastating critique of how we live now, Saha lifts the lid on corruption, exploitation and government oppression, while, with deep humanity and compassion, showing us the lives of those who, through no fault of their own, suffer at the hand of brutal forces far beyond their control. Source :

  • Saha
    English(English) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2022 / -

    From the international best-selling author of Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 comes this chilling dystopian fable for fans of Netflix’s Squid Game. In a country called Town, a doctor named Su is found dead in an abandoned car. There is only one place the police intend to look for her suspected killer: the Saha Estates. Controlled by a secretive organization of ministers, Town is the safest, richest nation in the world. But it is a society clearly divided into the haves and have-nots, and those who have the very least—who aren’t even considered citizens—live on the Saha Estates. Residents of Saha must squat in moldy units without plumbing or electricity and can only find work doing harsh labor. For many, the apartment complex is a bleak haven for escaping even bleaker pasts—as it was for Jin-kyung and her brother, Do-Kyung, who showed up one day sopping wet and shivering. No one is shocked when a lowlife like Do-Kyung becomes the main suspect in Su’s—a citizen’s—murder. But then Do-Kyung disappears. Isolated in a barren Saha unit, Jin-Kyung makes a choice: she will finally confront a system hellbent on erasing her brother’s existence. To find him, she must rely on her tightlipped neighbors, from the mysterious janitor known as “Old Man,” to Granny Konnim, the community gardener and reluctant midwife, to Woomi, an unwitting test subject at the local clinic. On her quest for the truth, Jin-kyung will uncover a reality far darker than she could have imagined. Written in Cho Nam-Joo’s signature sharp prose, brilliantly translated by Jamie Chang, Saha is a chilling portrait of what happens when we finally unmask our oppressors. Source :

  • Saha
    English(English) Book

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 / 2023 / -

    In a country called ‘Town’, Su is found dead in an abandoned car. The suspected killer is presumed to come from the Saha Estates. Town is a privatised country, controlled by a secretive organisation known as the Seven Premiers. It is a society clearly divided into the haves and have-nots and those who have the very least live on the Saha Estates. Among their number is Jin-Kyung, a young woman whose brother, Dok-yung, was in a relationship with Su and quickly becomes the police’s prime suspect. When Dok-yung disappears, Jin Ky-ung is determined to get to the bottom of things. On her quest to find the truth, though, she will uncover a reality far darker and crimes far greater than she could ever have imagined. At once a dystopian mystery and devastating critique of how we live now, Saha lifts the lid on corruption, exploitation and government oppression, while, with deep humanity and compassion, showing us the lives of those who, through no fault of their own, suffer at the hand of brutal forces far beyond their control. source: