Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

6 results
  • Postwar Korean short stories
    Postwar Korean short stories
    English(English) Book Available

    Kim Dongri et al / 김동리 et al / 1983 / -

  • Ten Korean Short Stories
    Ten Korean Short Stories
    English(English) Book Available

    Ha Keun-chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 1981 / -

    Ten Korean Short Stories samples two generations of Korean short stories, bringing to life the first faltering steps of an ancient land entering the modern age, evoking in truly memorable fashion the spirit that stir the hearts of her people. Here is the pain and anguish of people oppressed by the conqueror, the tragedy of civil war and partition, the struggle for meaning in post-war society, Korea yesterday, today, tomorrow.

  • The Poetry of John
    The Poetry of John
    English(English) Book Available

    Chang Yong-hak et al / 장용학 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea.   Source :

  • 現代韓国文学選集 3
    現代韓国文学選集 3
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Kim Dongri et al / 김동리 et al / 1973 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This is a collection of 22 short stories published in Korea in the 1950s and 1960s. It mainly features works from Sasanggye (7 pieces) and Hyundae Munhak (6 pieces).

  • A washed-out dream
    A washed-out dream
    English(English) Book

    Kim Seungok et al / 김승옥 et al / 1980 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • 雨日和
    Japanese(日本語) Book

    Ji Ha-ryun et al / 지하련 et al / 2023 / -

    「解放」後の混乱期に肩書をなくした高学歴の青年がとしての運命を予感「道程」。満洲からソウルに辿り着いた母と息子の、部屋さえ得られない苦難の日々「星を数える」。ひとところにとどまらず回遊していく男と、定住したまま動こうとしない女の相克「駅馬」。釜山に避難した貧しい兄妹のおぼつかない日々。ある日、二人は行方知れずになった「雨日和」。前線で戦っていた兵士が突然拘束され、転向を拒否したために辿る悲惨な運命「猶予」。南の島に幽閉された二人の捕虜。自死した仲間の家を訪ねた男を息子と思い最期を迎える母「ヨハネ詩集」。戦争時に夫を、戦後息子を失った女は神も信じられず、早逝した息子の位牌も焼いてしまう「不信時代」。朝鮮戦争は終わったが、その後軍の監房に収監された兵士たちのドタバタ劇「明暗」。休戦後、世の中はがらりと変わり、戦争時の密告者が罪の意識に苛まれるようになる「すべての栄光は」。 source: