Writers ABC List

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Jang Eun-Jin(장은진)

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Jang Eun-Jin
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Pen Name
Jang Eun-jin, Eunjin Jang, 장은진
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(简体)

Jang Eun-Jin was born in 1976 in Gwangju City, Jeollanamdo, South Korea. She has a twin sister, Kim Hee-jin. Jang attended Cheonam National University in Gwangju from which she graduated with a degree in Geography. In 2004, Jang won the Jooggang Daily New Writers Award for her debut  titled Kitchen Laboratory, which was eventually published as a book in 2008.


Jang has published four novels and a collection of short stories and has won three literary prizes in total The Chonnam Ilbo New Short Story Award in 2002, the Joongang Ilbo New Writers Contest in 2004, and the 14th annual Munhakdongne Award in 2009.


Jang has had one book translated into English, No One Writes Back (Translated by Jung Yewon), which The Guardian reviewed as, “An extraordinarily rich and moving novel about a young man's journey through South Korea with his dog”  Her subject is communication, or its absence, and the book is written as a picaresque. It is the story of a young man, mp3 player and blind dog, and their three-year goal-less journey, and who they meet on that journey. The fellow travelers are anonymous, earning only numbers, but the narrator nonetheless writes them letters, in the hope that someday a letter will come back.


장은진(1976~)은 한국의 소설가다. 2002년 《전남일보》에 단편소설 <동굴 속의 두 여자>를 발표했고, 2004년 《중앙일보》에 단편소설 <키친 실험실>을 발표하며 본격적인 문단 활동을 시작하였다. 작가는 다양한 삶의 방식을 이야기하며 소외된 사람들의 결핍에 주목하는 작품들을 써왔다.

 张恩真(1976-),韩国小说家。2002年在《全南日报》发表短篇小说《洞穴里的两个女人》(《동굴 속의 두 여자》),2004年在《中央日报》发表短篇小说《厨房实验室》(《키친 실험실》),从此正式开始创作活动。其作品反映了多样的生活方式,尤其关注弱势群体的需求。        

小说集《厨房实验室》(《키친 실험실》,2008)、长篇小说《遥遥无期》(《날짜 없음》,2016)

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