Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

5 results
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Cha Bumseok et al / 차범석 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama

    Traces the origins and evolution of the enmity between England and France over the four hundred years in which England was a continental European land power. This book also examines the emergence of English national identity and the part played by language in this process, as the English increasingly defined themselves against their French enemy. source:

  • Modern Korean Drama
    Modern Korean Drama
    English(English) Available

    Cha Bumseok et al / 차범석 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama > Modern Drama

    Carefully selected and represented, the plays in this collection showcase both the fantastic and the realistic innovations of Korean dramatists during a time of rapid social and historical change. Stretching from 1962 to 2004, these seven works tackle major subjects, such as the close of the Choson dynasty and the aftermath of the Korean War, while delving into trenchant cultural issues, such as the marginalization of students who rebel against mainstream education and the role of traditional values in a materialistic society. Longtime scholar of Korea and its vibrant, politically acute theater, Richard Nichols opens with a general overview of modern Korean drama since 1910 and concludes with an appendix describing theater production and audience attendance in Seoul. He chooses works that aren't just for Korean audiences. These texts confront universal themes and situations, tackling the problem of ambition, the trouble with fidelity, and the complexity of sexual and interpersonal relationships. Nichols situates each work critically, historically, and culturally, including brief biographies of playwrights and extensive notes. A bibliography also provides alternative readings and the titles of additional plays currently available in English. Primed for production, these skillful translations provide Western directors with exciting new material for the stage. At the same time, they offer students and scholars a sophisticated survey of the modern Korean dramatic tradition.     Source:

  • Korean Literature Today Volume 4, No 4, Winter, 1999
    Korean Literature Today Volume 4, No 4, Winter, 1999

    Yu Ch'i-hwan et al / 이치환 et al / 1999 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • Korean Literature Today Volume 5, No 1, Spring, 2000
    Korean Literature Today Volume 5, No 1, Spring, 2000

    Kim Kwangsub et al / 김광섭 et al / 2000 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea

    Lee Gunsam et al / 이근삼 et al / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Drama

    CH'A PÒM-SÒK L'INCENDIE DANS LA MONTAGNE En pleine guerre de Corée, au coeur d'un village perdu, il ne reste plus que des veuves ou des vierges. Un déserteur, fuyant ses compagnons communistes, s'y réfugie et déchaîne les peurs et les passions... CH'OE IN-HUN OU ET QUE SERONS-NOUS LE JOUR DE LA RENCONTRE ? Cette fable poétique raconte la légende d'Ondal l'idiot, homme des bois devenu général, puis martyr pour l'amour de la princesse de Koguryò. Leur destin aura la force des rêves. YI KÙN-SAM TRENTE JOURS DE PIQUE-NIQUE Des notables organisent un pique-nique de charité pour les prisonniers d'un bagne modèle. Mais, après leur naufrage sur une île déserte, la fête tourne au cauchemar : peu à peu, les rôles changent et le pouvoir tombe entre les mains des détenus... Im Hye-Gyông et Cathy Rapin ont reçu, en 2003, le prix de la traduction théâtrale de l'Institut Coréen pour la traduction littéraire. Source:éâtre-coréen-contemporain-Pom-Sok-Cha/dp/284952039X