AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)English(English) Available
Lee Yun-gi et al / 이윤기 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture, vol. 8 (2015) Posted on 8 June 2015 by pwilson6 | Leave a comment Editor’s Note David R. McCann, ix In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Once again, readers will discover a rich and varied array of contemporary Korean literary and image work in the current issue of Azalea journal. We celebrate the 100th anniversary of the births of two of the twentieth century’s great Korean writers, Midang Sŏ Chŏngju, the poet, and Hwang Sunwŏn, the short story and novel writer. Periodically, as the cultural, political, and historical tides in Korea have fallen and risen only to fall and rise again, these two writers have been lionized, denigrated, taken as emblems of Korea’s literary capabilities and accomplishments, or set to the side as passé, out-of-sync, politically unacceptable, or just too old to matter. Yet readers will find a rich array of reflections on these two writers and examples of their literary accomplishments. May you savor and treasure. Let us resolve to keep these writers central to our understanding of the terrain that Korean literature traversed in the twentieth century and to comprehend how much it would lose if it did not value, even treasure, these and others in the twenty-first. Writer in Focus: Lee Eyunkee Translator’s Note Tahee Lee, 1 In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Lee Eyunkee, or Yi Yun-gi as published in Germany, is admittedly better known in Korea for his translations and non-fiction works on Greek and Roman mythology than his works of fiction or essays. This, however, does not reflect the emphasis he placed on, or the time and effort he poured into, writing fiction. In one of his essays, explaining his decision in 1991 to scale down his translating career and leave for the United States, he admits: “Translating was important to me. But it wasn’t the most important work for me. “I had debuted in 1977 as a writer, but since publishing my first collection of short stories in 1988, I hadn’t written a single proper novel. The trifling reputation and fairly good money I earned as a translator were holding me back by the ankle.” (“To Crawl the Bottom” from Writing That Makes Zorba Dance) He confesses in the same essay that when he returned to Korea temporarily to receive the Dong-in Literary Award in 1998 he thought that the years he spent abroad “let him come back to being a writer.” The Bow Tie Lee Eyunkee and Tahee Lee, 5 In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Unless you live in a small country where there are only a handful of schools, it would be extremely rare for you to have a lifelong classmate, someone who went to the same school with you from elementary school through middle and high school all the way up to college. Yet I do have such a rare friend. His name is Pak Nosu. There are people in this world who give the school system too much credit and think Pak Nosu and I would be similar in our ways of thinking and behaving, but that is not true. A man does not stand alone. I think each man has a universal subconscious which preserves everything from his family’s household history to the history of humanity. That is why I consider education to be ancillary—like bridesmaids and groomsmen at a wedding—when a man faces the times by himself. It was probably the times that made me a lifelong schoolmate of my friend Pak Nosu whose portrait I am now going to attempt to paint by stippling. An event considered coincidental in one era might turn out to be inevitable in another. The characteristics of an age often blur the line between chance and necessity. When Nosu and I were in school, it was considered a virtue for a man’s personal and social values to be completely consistent with those of others. In that age, men hesitated to step out of the bounds of shared values if they could help it. In that age, there was one sure formula: Don’t get any ideas into your head! If you were branded “the kid with ideas,” the road to recovery was going to be a long one. Imagination was a dangerous thing. Notes on Contributors, 406 Source: https://uhpjournals.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/azalea-journal-of-korean-literature-culture-vol-8-2015/
I Gave the Sun a Long LookEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Yeong-gwang et al / 이영광 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry
The Colors of DawnEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Sun-Woo et al / 김선우 et al / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Throughout the twentieth century, few countries in Asia suffered more from foreign occupation, civil war, and international military conflict than Korea. The Colors of Dawn brings together the moving and powerful voices of over forty Korean poets from these turbulent years. From 1903 to 1945, the Japanese Empire occupied the Korean peninsula and instituted measures to annihilate the nation and its culture. After Japan's defeat in WWII, Korea became a killing ground during the Korean War (1950 to 1953). During this period and into the 1980s, South Korea was controlled by a military dictatorship, and today it remains on war footing. In the midst of internal and external conflicts, Korea's poets—threatened by the authorities with torture, imprisonment, and death—found ways to express their fierce desire for freedom and self-governance. The result is a century of outstanding poetry, from Sim Hun (1901) to more familiar modern and contemporary poets, such as Kim Chi-ha and Ko Ŭn. Source: http://www.uhpress.hawaii.edu/p-9566-9780824866228.aspx
Boire cent façonsFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Juyeong et al / 김주영 et al / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Dans la suite du recueil dédié à la gastronomie coréenne "Manger cent façons" (2016), cette nouvelle anthologie de textes aborde cette fois-ci le boire. Car si la gastronomie est un marqueur identitaire culturel très fort, la boisson partagée - l'alcool, mais aussi le thé ou le café - occupe une place primordiale dans la sociabilité en Corée. Les deux liqueurs les plus vendues au monde sont des acools coréens : c'est pour dire si la "culture de l'alcool" y est développée ! C'est autour d'un verre que les langues se délient et que certaines vérités sont dites, découvrant ainsi cent autres façons de la Corée. Laissez vous enivrer par ces textes savoureux, comiques et pathétiques ! Source: https://www.decitre.fr/livres/boire-cent-facons-9791091555449.html#resume
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).