Original Works

We provide information on Korean literature titles (classical, modern and contemporary) in multiple languages.

26 results
  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    1976년 출간된 김승옥의 장편소설이다. 작가는 죽음을 결심한 남자를 통해 삶의 의미와 죽음, 사랑, 욕망에 대해서 질문을 던지지만 질문 자체가 삶의 일부임을 알려준다.

  • DLKL
    한국현대소설선: 바다와 나비

    Hangukyeondaesoseolseon: badawa nabi

    English(English) Printed/Published Work

    Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 1981 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 20th century poetry

  • DLKL
    김승옥 단편선

    Gimseungong danpyeonseon

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / 1976 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

  • 날마다 웃는 집
    날마다 웃는 집

    Nalmada unneun jip

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Beomnyun et al / 법륜 et al / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century

    1966년에 발표된 김승옥의 소설로, 1980년에 단행본으로 출간된 이후 2014년 김승옥전집 제1권인 에 수록되어 있다. 작품은 인간의 생명력 회복에 대한 염원을 다루고 있다.

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / 1986 / -

    This work is unique in its style of depicting the space of escapism. The author’s style show a delicate and meticulous linguistic consciousness, and the story is regarded as one of the most outstanding works in the history of modern Korean literature.

  • DLKL
    서울, 1964년 겨울

    Seoul, 1964nyeon gyeoul

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / 1966 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

    This is a short story by Kim Seungok published in Sasanggye in 1965. All three characters in this story have been alienated from society and feel a deep sense of despair and ennui. They try to endure their ennui through meaningless conversations and games overnight. Through these characters, the work calmly depicts the tragedy of modern people who live as cogs in the wheel of society.

  • DLKL
    안테나: 20세기 한국작가의 소설

    Antena: 20segi hangukjakgaui soseol

    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok / 김승옥 / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Kim Seungok et al / 김승옥 et al / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This is a short story published in the magazine Sasanggye in 1956. It depicts the reality without hope in the extreme conditions after the Korean War. The title, which means “lost dream,” reveals the state Korea was in after the Korean War from an ecological point of view.

  • DLKL


    Korean(한국어) Printed/Published Work

    Son Chang-sop et al / 손창섭 et al / 1956 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)