서울, 1964년 겨울
- Original Title
- 서울, 1964년 겨울
- Title Romanization
- Seoul, 1964nyeon gyeoul
- English Title(Printed)
- Seoul-1964-Winter
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story
- Author
- Kim Seungok
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1966
- Publisher
- 創又社
- -
- Main Characters
- Narrator, Ahn, strange man
- Subject/Theme
- Tragic life of modern people, despair, ennui
At a nearby roasted sparrow eatery, the narrator, who works at the city hall, meets Ahn, a graduate student in his 20s, and a man in his mid-thirties whose identity is unknown. The three of them have meaningless conversations as they roam the streets, and eventually decide to part. However, the man says he doesn't want to be alone, so the three of them decide to stay at an inn and gets separate rooms. The next morning, the man is found dead after committing suicide, and the narrator and Ahn go their separate ways.
Translated Books2
English(English) AvailableSeoul-1964-Winter
Russian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableСЕУЛ, ЗИМА 1964 ГОДА
Related Resources3
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Kim Seungok Introductory Booklet
English(English) DocumentWhen Worlds Collide
English(English) Publication_List Vol.18