Three GenerationsEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea
Yom Sang-Seop / 염상섭 / 2006 / -
"The novel, filled with gossip and family intrigue as scandalous as any contemporary soap opera, reads deliciously like a Dostoevsky novel or 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses' meets Korea's traditional middle class."- 'KoreAm Magazine' 'Three Generations' charts the tensions in the Jo family in 1930s Japanese-occupied Seoul. One of Korea's most important works of fiction, 'Three Generations' gave birth to naturalism in Korean literature and remains a mandatory read for Korean high school students.
Ngôi nhà vui vẻVietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Available
Ji-Young Gong et al / 공지영 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Nhà văn Gong Ji Young từng được bạn đọc Việt Nam biết đến qua tác phẩm nổi tiếng Yêu người tử tù. Với Ngôi nhà vui vẻ, tác giả viết về câu chuyện của những con người sau đổ vỡ hôn nhân, đứa trẻ sống cùng cha và khi cha đi bước nữa chúng chẳng còn cảm nhận được tình thương và niềm hạnh phúc từ hai tiếng gia đình. Nhân vật Wi Nyeong thốt lên rằng: “Ba có hạnh phúc không? Mẹ có hạnh phúc không? Còn con, con không hạnh phúc chút nào!”. Tại sao như thế. Đơn giản “Bởi ba chẳng bao giờ thấu hiểu con”. Source: http://phunuonline.com.vn/nguoi-yeu-sach/tac-pham-va-du-luan/ngoi-nha-vui-ve/a143129.html
奔跑吧!爸爸Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Ae-ran et al / 김애란 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
23歲初試啼聲,金愛蘭以描述五個女生宿舍生活的短篇小說〈不敲門的家〉拿下文學大獎。2005年的作品《奔跑吧!爸爸》成為《韓國日報》文學獎最年輕的獲獎者,被媒體稱為「韓國文壇最大的收穫之一」。接下來她獲獎不斷,2013年更以《沉默的未來》拿下韓國最有影響力的文學獎─李箱文學獎,並創下最年輕得主的紀錄。2014年以《噗通噗通我的人生》為臺灣讀者所熟知。 「每當我想像爸爸,眼前總會浮現出一個場景:那是爸爸朝著某處全力奔跑的身影。爸爸穿著粉紅色夜光短褲,他有一雙毛茸茸的小細腿。爸爸筆直地挺著腰板、抬腿舉膝奔跑的身影,如同一個墨守成規的死腦筋官員的臉,讓人感到頗為滑稽……爸爸漲紅著臉露出兩排黃牙咧嘴傻笑,彷彿有人在爸爸的臉上惡作劇,貼上了不堪入目的塗鴉。」~~〈奔跑吧!爸爸〉 本書由9部短篇小說構成,涵蓋了家庭問題、城市和年輕人、蝸居族、現代社會人際關係的冷漠等主題,作者用細微的觀察、新鮮的感覺和豐富的細節,出色地描寫了年輕人的日常生活和生命狀態,再現了以創傷、痛苦、悲哀為代表詞的韓國現代文學。 他開始想像,整個屋子變成一條長滿紙鱗的魚,柔緩地在世界裡游來游去。他覺得自己緊貼在魚鰭旁,又似乎正好相反,自己是身在魚腹中。他不知道哪裡是裡面,哪裡是外面。他看到待在原地的自己,隨著魚的舞動而蕩漾起來。所有一切都異常真實,可這時某處傳來了沙沙的聲響。他嚇一跳,趕緊環顧四周。再次傳來一陣沙沙的聲響。低頭望向地板,發現四處散落著沙子。他用手掌掠過地板,竟然是真的海沙。眼前所見令他不敢置信,眨了眨眼睛。從數千張魚鱗之間,抖落出無數的沙粒。魚鱗款款飄擺,吹起了他的頭髮。他閉上雙眼深呼吸,呢喃著「這是真實的」。他想,只要貼上最後一張便利貼,魚會搖動著鮮活的背脊,帶著自己游向某處。 Source : https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010844677
Concerning My DaughterEnglish(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea
Kim Hye-jin / 김혜진 / 2022 / -
The Prize-Winning International Bestseller 'I can't help but be moved by a story about women meeting, fighting, helping each other, looking after one another, and raising their voices against the prejudice and criticism they are subject to.' Cho Nam-joo, author of Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 When a mother allows her thirty-something daughter to move into her apartment, she wants for her what many mothers might say they want for their child: a steady income, and, even better, a good husband with a good job with whom to start a family. But when Green turns up with her girlfriend, Lane, in tow, her mother is unprepared and unwilling to welcome Lane into her home. In fact, she can barely bring herself to be civil. Having centred her life on her husband and child, her daughter’s definition of family is not one she can accept. Her daughter’s involvement in a case of unfair dismissal involving gay colleagues from the university where she works is similarly strange to her. And yet when the care home where she works insists that she lower her standard of care for an elderly dementia patient who has no family, who travelled the world as a successful diplomat, who chose not to have children, Green’s mother cannot accept it. Why should not having chosen a traditional life mean that your life is worth nothing at all? In Concerning My Daughter, translated from Korean by Jamie Chang, Kim Hye-jin lays bare our most universal fears on ageing, death, and isolation, to offer finally a paean to love in all its forms. Source : https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Kim-Hye-jin/dp/1529057671
I Went To See My FatherEnglish(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 / 2023 / -
Two years after losing her daughter in a tragic accident, Hon finally returns to her home in the countryside to take care of her father. At first, her father only appears withdrawn and fragile, an aging man, awkward but kind around his own daughter. Then, after stumbling upon a chest of letters, Hon discovers the truth of her father’s past and reconstructs her own family history. source: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/720257/i-went-to-see-my-father-by-kyung-sook-shin
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