여인들과 진화하는 적들
- Original Title
- 여인들과 진화하는 적들
- Title Romanization
- Yeoindeulgwa jinhwahaneun jeokdeul
- Title Sub
- 김숨 장편소설
- English Title(Printed)
- Women and their Evolving Enemies
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Kim Soom
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2013
- Publisher
- 현대문학
- 9788972756590
- Main Characters
- Older woman (mother-in-law), younger woman (daughter-in-law)
- Subject/Theme
- The relationship between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law
The novel revolves around two women. The first is a graduate of a technical college who now works as a call center counselor for a home shopping company. The second is her mother-in-law, who works part-time as a housekeeper. The younger woman once dreamed of improving her lot in life through marriage, but her ambitions are thwarted by her husband, who graduated from a low-ranking university. As a result, she blames all of her misfortunes on her mother-in-law, whom she despises. The older woman takes care of the children and all the housework, but is unable to speak up for herself against her daughter-in-law’s petty remarks. In the ensuing conflict between the two women, the daughter-in-law’s hysteria intensifies, and the mother-in-law grows ever more exhausted.
Translated Books1
Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available女人與她們進化的天敵
Related Resources16 See More
English(English) DocumentNoodles
English(English) DocumentAnd Then There Were None: One Person by Kim Soom
Korean(한국어) Exhibition printoutPoster for the Culture Day – A Meeting with Writer in April 2016