해질 무렵
- Original Title
- 해질 무렵
- Title Romanization
- Haejil muryeop
- Title Sub
- 황석영 장편소설
- English Title(Printed)
- At Dusk
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Hwang Sok-yong
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2015
- Publisher
- 문학동네
- 9788954638241
- Main Characters
- Bak Minu, Jeong Uhui
- Subject/Theme
- People living in poverty; ruined villages; love; dreams
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Bak Minu is a successful architect. He is satisfied and content with his life, though he lives alone, having sent his wife to live in America with their daughter. One day, he receives a note from the woman who was his first love. Recalling the past, he tries to find the village where the two of them grew up, but discovers it has long since vanished, having been razed for redevelopment. Meanwhile, Jeong Uhui, a young theater director, lives in a semi-basement room and pursues a life of art, staging plays she likes. She struggles to make ends meet, however, and must work part-time at a convenience store. She tries her best not to give up theater, but it is not easy.
Translated Books9 See More
English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableAt dusk
French(Français) AvailableAu soleil couchant
Albanian(shqip) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableNë muzg
Related Resources12 See More
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Hwang Sok-yong Introductory Booklet
English(English) DocumentFruits of Korean Fiction: Korean Short Stories and Novellas by Choe Jeong-hui
English(English) Exhibition printout2014 London Book Fair: Author Han Kang Introductory Booklet