Original Works

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Printed/Published Work Korean(한국어)

코끼리를 찾아서

About the Original Works

코끼리를 찾아서
Original Title
코끼리를 찾아서
Title Romanization
Kokkirireul chajaseo
Title Sub
조경란 장편소설
English Title(Printed)
Looking for the Elephant

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

Kyung Ran
Published Year
The Series
서정시학 시인선 ; 030
Main Characters
Solitude; loneliness; feeling of loss

About the Author

Jo Kyung Ran
  • Kyung Ran
  • Birth : 1969 ~ -
  • Occupation : Novelist
  • First Name : Kyung Ran
  • Family Name : Jo
  • Korean Name : 조경란
  • ISNI : 0000000038827944
  • Works : 19
Descriptions(Languages 2)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)

2002년에 출간된 조경란의 소설집이다. 표제작을 비롯하여 <동시에>, <나는 마을의 이발사>, <라메르 모델하우스> 등 모두 7편의 작품이 수록되어 있다. 작가는 자살하는 사람, 기억을 통해 사랑을 추억해내는 사람, 무료한 일상을 보내는 사람, 독신녀 등을 통해 인간의 고독과 외로움, 상실감에 대해서 말하고 있다.

This collection of short stories by Jo Kyung-Ran was published in 2002. The seven stories include “At the Same Time,” “Me, the Village Barber,” “La Mer Model House,” and the title story. The characters in the stories commit suicide, recall love through past memories, spend a boring day, and struggle to find a partner. The author deals with the themes of human solitude, loneliness, and loss.

Translated Books2

  • Wie kommt der Elefant in mein Schlafzimmer?
    German(Deutsch) Book Available
    Wie kommt der Elefant in mein Schlafzimmer?
    Kyung Ran et al / Jo Kyung Ran / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
  • En busca del elefante
    Spanish(Español) Book Available
    En busca del elefante
    Kyung Ran et al / Jo Kyung-ran / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

E-Books & Audiobooks2

  • En busca del elefante [Kindle Edition]
    Spanish(Español) E-Books
    En busca del elefante [Kindle Edition]
    Kyung Ran et al / Jo Kyung-ran / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
  • En busca del elefante
    Catalan(Català) E-Books
    En busca del elefante
    Kyung Ran et al / Kyung-Ran Jo / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story