천년의 침묵
- Original Title
- 천년의 침묵
- Title Romanization
- Cheonnyeonui chimmuk
- English Title(Printed)
- The Last Pythagorean
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Detective > Adventure
- Author
- Lee Sunyoung
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- -
- Publisher
- -
- -
- Main Characters
- Pythagoras, Ariston, Diodorus
- Subject/Theme
- Truth; deception; murder case; love; corrupt scholars
In the ancient city-state of Croton, one of Pythagoras' disciples, Diodorus, is found dead. Ariston, his younger brother, resigns from the council of nobles and joins Pythagoras as a disciple to find out the cause of his brother’s death and catch the killer. But Pythagorus and his disciples are hiding something, and try to cover up the death as suicide. Disappointed by the depravity of the Pythagorean school, Ariston decides to investigate his brother’s death on his own.
Translated Books1
Chinese(简体) Available千年的沉默