임진강의 민들레
- Original Title
- 임진강의 민들레
- Title Romanization
- Imjingangui mindeulle
- English Title(Printed)
- The Dandelion on the Imjin River
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
- Author
- Kang Shin-Jae
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- -
- Publisher
- -
- -
- Main Characters
- Woo Tae-gap, I-hwa, Ok-yeop, Dong-geun, Dong-hun
- Subject/Theme
- Korean War, collaborator, family tragedy
Woo Tae-gap, a wealthy man in Pil-dong, leads a peaceful life with his family. But when the Korean War breaks out, he is unable to flee and ends up aiding the communist forces. When I-hwa is taken to the north, she tries to escape with Kim Myeong-sik, but she is shot to death by the Imjin River.
Translated Books1
English(English)The Dandelion on the Imjin River