Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

11 results
  • 故园
    Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • 悠悠家園
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    80年間軍事政府和民主運動對決,吳賢宇服刑18年期滿出獄,由姊姊一家人迎接。重訪入獄前的舊居,山村小山崙,並追憶和女友允熙的生活情景。 移監三次,女友不具探監資格。因此寫日記放在小山崙,他現今努力拼湊出他不在場的完整生活紀錄。 賢宇在70年代維新時期,曾在南部地方的高中教書,並參加異議組織。80人光州抗爭的同時,賢宇和弟兄們印製傳單,在漢城市中心附近張貼,一方面則等待光州的弟兄工作告一段落前來會合,他們抗議政府在光州濫殺無辜,同時譴責美國是軍事政權的幫兇,也燒毀了光州、釜山等地五個美國文化院,有的弟兄還經驗過79年卡特訪韓時引燃歡迎牌樓。光州事敗後,賢宇被警方通緝,一路躲避,接受組織安排投靠韓允熙老師,韓老師在鄉下小山崙教美術,父親在30年代留日學美術,但因參加革命被捕,一生不得志,亦未顧到家庭。韓老師從賢宇身上發現當年父親的風貌行徑,進而產生情愫。兩人同居被發現,賢宇被押走後,韓老師唯恐在鄉間山村受議論,乃辭職準備負笈德國深造,84年又回學校,小孩滿2歲。 朴宗哲被拷問事件釀成全國性示威時,她被同學牽連,入籍社會文化團體,被召喚多次,從老人到婦女在市區行進,大家戴口罩及塑膠袋,防催淚彈,還一邊丟石頭,全國數百萬名民眾同時響應。她學成回國在鄉下的大學任校,後來以兩人名義買下當年小山崙舊居。89年健康檢查發現異狀後,接受子宮頸癌放射線治療,最後96年6月3日寫給賢宇最後的一信交給賢宇姊姊,才告知他們有一女兒,囑他把給不了她的統統給女兒,據說她死於7月。 source:

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea

    Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Libéré après dix-huit ans de prison, l'opposant politique 0 Hyônu apprend que la femme qu'il a aimée est morte. Elle lui a laissé des lettres, son journal, des carnets et dessins. Dans une Corée qui a considérablement changé, 0 Hyônu se remémore ses années d'utopie et de lutte clandestine, sa rencontre avec Han Yunhi, leurs quelques mois d'idylle hors du temps, puis ses années de prison. Surtout, il se plonge passionnément dans les carnets de Han Yunhi, revivant l'itinéraire de la jeune artiste peintre, son engagement dans la résistance, son séjour en Allemagne, la chute du mur de Berlin. Se dessine alors un magnifique portrait de femme. Hwang Sok-yong, quant à lui, définit cette magistrale œuvre romanesque, à caractère fortement autobiographique, comme le " portrait d'une génération qui a voulu réaliser le rêve d'une vie meilleure ".   Source:

  • 懐かしの庭
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • Der ferne Garten
    Der ferne Garten
    German(Deutsch) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Political prisoner Hyun Woo is freed after eighteen years to find no trace of the world he knew. The friends with whom he shared utopianist dreams are gone. His Seoul is unrecognizably transformed and aggressively modernized. Yoon Hee, the woman he loved, died three years ago. A broken man, he drifts toward a small house in Kalmoe, where he and Yoon Hee once stole a few fleeting months of happiness while fleeing the authorities. In the company of her diaries, he relives and reviews his life, trying to find meaning in the revolutionary struggle that consumed their youth—a youth of great energy and optimism, victim to implacable history. Hyun Woo weighs the worth of his own life, spent in prison, and that of the strong-willed artist Yoon Hee, whose involvement in rebel groups took her to Berlin and the fall of the wall. With great poignancy, Hwang Sok-yong grapples with the immortal questions—the endurance of love, the price of a commitment to causes—while depicting a generation that sacrificed youth, liberty, and often life, for the dream of a better tomorrow. source:

  • 懐かしの庭
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • The old garden
    The old garden
    English(English) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Political prisoner Hyun Woo is freed after eighteen years to find no trace of the world he knew. The friends with whom he shared utopianist dreams are gone. His Seoul is unrecognizably transformed and aggressively modernized. Yoon Hee, the woman he loved, died three years ago. A broken man, he drifts toward a small house in Kalmoe, where he and Yoon Hee once stole a few fleeting months of happiness while fleeing the authorities. In the company of her diaries, he relives and reviews his life, trying to find meaning in the revolutionary struggle that consumed their youth—a youth of great energy and optimism, victim to implacable history. Hyun Woo weighs the worth of his own life, spent in prison, and that of the strong-willed artist Yoon Hee, whose involvement in rebel groups took her to Berlin and the fall of the wall. With great poignancy, Hwang Sok-yong grapples with the immortal questions—the endurance of love, the price of a commitment to causes—while depicting a generation that sacrificed youth, liberty, and often life, for the dream of a better tomorrow.     source:

  • The Ancient Garden
    The Ancient Garden
    English(English) Available

    Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Prisoner #1444, a political activist, has served nearly twenty years of a life sentence, but when the Korean government relaxes its stance on such dissidents, he finds himself up for release. While he was growing old on the inside, though, things on the outside have changed, and #1444 - or Oh Hyun Woo, as he must now, once more, think of himself - is soon adrift in a world full of noise and activity, multi-storey apartment blocks, mobile phones; even public restrooms have changed, with fancy taps and hot air driers. As Mr Oh struggles to adjust to the present, and to consider his future, he is also forced to examine the past: family members he's lost, one way or another; friends he's no longer in touch with; comrades who have died or moved on... and the loss of the love of his life: it may have been two decades since they were together, but some relationships leave their mark no matter what. Both a haunting love story and an account of life in modern Korea, The Old Garden is about past and present; about loss, regret and looking to the future; and about how some things are simply meant to be, even when - tragically - events prove otherwise.

  • Den gamla trädgården
    Den gamla trädgården
    Swedish(Svenska) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Efter arton år i fängelse släpps den politiska fången O Hyŏnu och finner ingenting av den värld där han en gång levde. Vännerna som han delade sina drömmar och ideal med är borta. Seoul är förändrat intill oigenkännlighet. Han Yunhŭi, kvinnan han älskade, är död sedan tre år. Han söker upp det hus där de på flykt från myndigheterna en gång fick tillbringa några lyckliga månader tillsammans. I hennes dagbok, anteckningar och målningar återupplever han kärleken och försöker finna mening i ungdomens revolutionära kamp. O Hyŏnu rannsakar sitt eget liv, och den viljestarka konstnären Han Yunhŭis, vars politiska engagemang förde henne till Berlin vid tiden för murens fall. I Den gamla trädgården brottas Hwang Sok-Yong med de stora frågorna – kärleken, livet och upproret. Han tecknar ett ömsint porträtt av en sydkoreansk generation som offrade sin ungdom och sin frihet, ibland också livet, för drömmen om en bättre morgondag.  source:

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Libéré après dix-huit ans de prison, l'opposant politique O Hyônu apprend que Han Yunhi, la femme qu'il a aimée, est morte. Elle lui a laissé des lettres, son journal, des carnets et des dessins. Désemparé, perdu dans une Corée qui a considérablement changé, O Hyônu se remémore ses années d'utopie et de lutte clandestine, sa rencontre avec Han Yunhi, leurs quelques mois d'idylle hors du temps, puis les années d'enfermement. Surtout, il se plonge, passionnément, dans le journal que Han Yunhi a écrit pour lui durant toutes ces années, revivant l'itinéraire de la jeune artiste peintre des années 1970 aux années 1990, son implication dans un réseau de résistants, son séjour en Allemagne, la chute du mur de Berlin... Se dessine alors un magnifique portrait de femme. Hwang Sok-yong définit cette magistrale œuvre romanesque, à caractère fortement autobiographique, comme « le portrait d'une génération qui a voulu réaliser le rêve d'une vie meilleure ». Source: