Untold Night and DayEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
For two years, twenty-eight-year-old Kim Ayami has worked at Seoul's only audio theatre for the blind. But now the theatre is shutting down and Ayami’s future is uncertain. Her last shift completed and the theatre closed for good, Ayami walks the streets of the city with her former boss late into the night. Together they search for a mutual friend who has disappeared. The following day, at the request of that same friend, Ayami acts as a guide for a detective novelist visiting from abroad. But in the inescapable, all-consuming heat of Seoul at the height of the summer, order gives way to chaos, the edges of reality start to fray, and the past intrudes on the present in increasingly disruptive ways. Blisteringly original, Untold Night and Day is a high-wire feat of storytelling that explores the possibility of worlds beyond the one we see and feel – and shows why Bae Suah is considered one of the boldest voices in Korean literature today. Source : https://www.amazon.co.uk
Untold Night and DayEnglish(English) E-Book Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
A seductive, disorienting novel that manipulates the fragile line between dreams and reality, by South Korea’s leading contemporary writer A startling and boundary-pushing novel, Untold Night and Day tells the story of a young woman’s journey through Seoul over the course of a night and a day. It’s 28-year-old Ayami’s final day at her box-office job in Seoul’s audio theater. Her night is spent walking the sweltering streets of the city with her former boss in search of Yeoni, their missing elderly friend, and her day is spent looking after a mysterious, visiting poet. Their conversations take in art, love, food, and the inaccessible country to the north. Almost immediately, in the heat of Seoul at the height of the summer, order gives way to chaos as the edges of reality start to fray, with Ayami becoming an unwitting escort into a fever-dream of increasingly tangled threads, all the while images of the characters’ overlapping realities repeat, collide, change, and reassert themselves in this masterful work that upends the very structure of fiction and narrative storytelling and burns itself upon the soul of the reader. By one of the boldest and most innovative voices in contemporary Korean literature, and brilliantly realized in English by International Man Booker–winning translator Deborah Smith, Bae Suah’s hypnotic and wholly original novel asks whether more than one version of ourselves can exist at once, demonstrating the malleable nature of reality as we know it. Source : https://www.amazon.com/
Notti invisibili, giorni sconosciutiItalian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
"Notti invisibili, giorni sconosciuti" è il racconto di un giorno e una notte nel caldo torrido dell'estate di Seul. Per due anni, l'ex attrice ventottenne Ayami ha lavorato nell'unico «teatro sonoro» di Seul per non vedenti. Ma ora il teatro sta cessando l'attività e il futuro di Ayami è incerto. Completato il suo ultimo turno e chiuso il teatro per sempre, Ayami cammina per le strade della città con il suo ex capo fino a notte fonda. Insieme cercano un'amica comune che è scomparsa, mentre intorno a loro il labirinto dei paesaggi urbani inizia a popolarsi di personaggi misteriosi e immagini fantastiche. Il giorno seguente, su richiesta della stessa amica, Ayami fa da guida per un romanziere di polizieschi in visita dall'estero. Ma nell'afa che consuma senza scampo Seul in piena estate, l'ordine lascia il posto al caos. I confini della realtà iniziano a logorarsi e il passato si intromette nel presente in modi sempre più dirompenti. La trama si sfilaccia e diventa fluida: personaggi, luoghi e tempi si sovrappongono e confondono in una narrazione ipnotica e disorientante. "Notti invisibili, giorni sconosciuti" è un tuffo in un'allucinazione, un'opera che scioglie la linea tra realtà e sogno, esplorando la possibilità di mondi oltre quello che vediamo e sentiamo. Source : https://www.amazon.it/Notti-invisibili-giorni-sconosciuti-Suah/dp/8867832875
Noite e dia desconhecidosPortuguese(Português) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Bae Su-ah / 배수아 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Neste romance de uma das vozes mais originais e ousadas da nova literatura sul-coreana, o leitor embarca em uma jornada onírica por uma Seul densa e misteriosa. Após perder seu emprego em um teatro para cegos, a atriz Ayami vaga pelas ruas à procura de uma professora desaparecida enquanto a realidade parece pouco a pouco se desfazer, e elementos enigmáticos ressurgem em outros locais, quando o livro nos conduz à ensolarada Valparaíso. "Noite e dia desconhecidos" remete aos melhores filmes de David Lynch e Kim Ki-Duk ao oferecer um quebra-cabeças surreal que ecoará em nosso pensamento – consciente e inconsciente – por muito tempo. Source : https://www.livrariadavila.com.br/noite-e-dia-desconhecidos-777430/p#especificacao
La noche y el día de AyamiSpanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2023 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Durante dos años, Ayami, exactriz de 28 años, ha trabajado en el único teatro sonoro para ciegos de Seúl. Pero ahora la sala cesa su actividad y el futuro de Ayami es incierto. source: https://www.libreriaalberti.com/libros/la-noche-y-el-dia-de-ayami/9788412764406/
Weiße NachtGerman(Deutsch) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Die 28-jährige Ayami ist Assistentin im einzigen Hörtheater von Seoul, nun wird es für immer geschlossen. Ohne eine Vorstellung davon zu haben, wie ihr Leben künftig aussehen soll, streift sie bis spät in die Nacht mit dem Theaterdirektor durch die Straßen der Stadt, sie suchen nach einer gemeinsamen verschollenen Freundin und sprechen über Lyrik, Teilzeitjobs und die Vergeblichkeit von Liebe. Am nächsten Tag verdingt sie sich als Dolmetscherin eines gerade angereisten Krimiautors, sie sprechen über Literatur, Fotografie und die Vergeblichkeit, in den Norden zu reisen. Und während die Sommerhitze Seoul in einen Tempel betäubender Mattigkeit verwandelt, hält allmählich die Vergangenheit Einzug und lässt die Grenzen zwischen Wirklichkeit und Traum zerfließen. Weiße Nacht ist ein flirrender Fiebertraum, in dem wir eine Welt eintauchen, die unter dem Sichtbaren liegt. Eine Welt, in der mehrere Versionen unserer selbst gleichzeitig existieren und die von Schönheit und Güte und Abgründigem bewohnt ist. Source : https://www.amazon.de/Weiße-Nacht-Roman-Bae-Suah/dp/3518430173
Przemilczana noc i dzieńPolish(Polski) Available
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Przemilczana noc i dzień Bae Suah to historia trwającej zaledwie jedną noc i jeden dzień wędrówki młodej kobiety przez Seul. Ayami spaceruje nocą po gorących ulicach miasta ze swoim byłym szefem w poszukiwaniu Yeoni, ich zaginionej przyjaciółki. Dzień zaś spędza z tajemniczym poetą, który przybył w odwiedziny do Korei. Ich rozmowy dotyczą sztuki, miłości, jedzenia i niedostępnego kraju na północy. Ta hipnotyzująca i całkowicie oryginalna powieść Bae Suah stawia pytanie, czy więcej niż jedna wersja nas samych może istnieć jednocześnie. Bae Suah (ur. w 1965 roku) należy do grona jednych z najbardziej oryginalnych pisarek koreańskich. Zadebiutowała nowelą Ciemny pokój w 1993 r., stwarzając od razu unikatowy, własny styl. Jej powieści są tłumaczone obecnie na wiele języków. Przemilcza noc i dzień to pierwszy przekład na język polski. Source : https://www.znak.com.pl/ksiazka/przemilczana-noc-i-dzien-suah-bae-223792
Непостижимая ночь, неразгаданный деньRussian(Русский) E-Book
Bae Su-ah et al / 배수아 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Аннотация к книге "Непостижимая ночь, неразгаданный день" Пэ Суа - феномен современной южнокорейской литературы. Смелая и талантливая писательница постепенно покоряет читателей по всему миру. Ее роман "Непостижимая ночь, неразгаданный день" - настоящая сюрреалистическая головоломка, которая придется по душе поклонникам творчества Линча и заставит сомневаться в реальности происходящего вокруг. Потеряв работу в аудиотеатре, бывшая актриса Аями не знает, что ей делать дальше. Пока - отыскать пропавшую учительницу немецкого Ёни, а остальные проблемы решать по мере их поступления. Шагая по плавящемуся асфальту в изнемогающем от жары Сеуле, блуждая среди миражей, Аями все больше увязает в мире, в котором причудливейшим образом сплелись явь и сон. И с каждой минутой окружающая ее реальность все сильнее разваливается на части. "Я влюбилась в загадочную красоту "Непостижимой ночи, неразгаданного дня". По мере того, как эта книга раскрывается перед вами, вы сами открываетесь ее секретам". - Дейзи Джонсон, автор романа... source : https://www.labirint.ru/books/819582/
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