- Original Title
- 신개지
- Title Romanization
- Singaeji
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
- Author
- Yi Ki-yong
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1898
- Publisher
- -
- 2006986002258
- Main Characters
- Kang Yun-su, Sun-nam, Civil Engineering Director Ha, Ha Sang-ho, Ha Sang-cheol, Yu Gu-seong, Yu Gyeong-jun, Wol-suk
- Subject/Theme
- Urbanizing rural villages, farmers growing poorer, contradictory modernization
Kang Yun-su gets embroiled in a fight over village water and is sent to prison, while his fiancée Sun-nam is sold away as a courtesan. The family of Civil Engineering Director Ha, who amassed wealth through a rice mill and a rice shop, and the family of the village leader Yu Gu-seong continue to increase their wealth through marriage. While the village is being transformed through the construction of railroads and levees, the residents of the village find themselves in more difficult living situations. Sun-nam is sold away to Manchuria to make more money, and Yun-su feels dejected.
Translated Books1
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