- Original Title
- 시차
- Title Romanization
- -
- English Title(Printed)
- Time Difference: K-Fiction Series 10
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction
- Author
- Sou Linne Baik
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- -
- Publisher
- -
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- Main Characters
- Vincent
- Subject/Theme
- Stranger, Will to live, loneliness
Having been adopted to the Netherlands as a child, Vincent feels lonely as a stranger in foreign lands throughout his childhood. However, Vincent does not believe that his sense of isolation as a stranger comes from his living in the Netherlands rather than Korea. Realizing that people become strangers the moment they leave their own world, Vincent thinks that he can continue living.
Translated Books1
English(English) AvailableTime Difference
Related Resources8 See More
English(English) DocumentA Beacon of Despair
English(English) PublicationKLN(Korean Literature Now) Vol.48
English(English) DocumentI Won’t Go Home Just Yet