- Original Title
- 소금가마니
- Title Romanization
- Sogeumgamani
- English Title
- A Sack of Salt
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story
- Author
- Ku Hyoseo
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- -
- Publisher
- -
- -
- Main Characters
- Narrator, his mother, his father, Park Seonghyeon
- Subject/Theme
- Mother’s love; war
The main character discovers the Japanese translation of Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling among the things left behind by his dead mother, who had raised her children by selling tofu and enduring the physical violence of her husband. Before her marriage, she had been in love with a very educated young man, Park Seonghyeon. After the war, both her husband and Park Seonghyeon are dead, but she lives to an old age, and her funeral is attended by more than thirty of her children and grandchildren.
Translated Books1
German(Deutsch)Die Salzsäcke
Related Resources2
English(English) DocumentMadame Myeong-du
English(English) DocumentAbout the Book, 'A House with a Beautiful Sunset View and Other Stories'