- Original Title
- 소금
- Title Romanization
- Sogeum
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
- Author
- Kang Kyung-ae
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2006
- Publisher
- -
- 8970127674
- Main Characters
- Bong-yeom, Bong-yeom’s mother, Fang Tong, Bong-sik, Yong-ae
- Subject/Theme
- Korean immigrants in Gando in the 1930s, barren life
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Check AvailabilityAfter moving to a village in Gando, Bong-yeom's family is threatened by a Chinese military group, and her father is killed by the Communist Party. Bong-yeom's mother works at the house of the Chinese landlord, Fang Tong, but is raped by him and is thrown out pregnant with his baby. Bong-yeom's mother loses Bong-yeom and her newborn child while working as a nanny at someone else's house. After losing her nanny job, Bong-yeom's mother is arrested by a police officer while smuggling salt.
Translated Books1
Arabic(اللغة العربية) Funded by LTI Korea Availableملح