- Original Title
- 미나
- Title Romanization
- Mina
- Title Sub
- 김사과 장편소설
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance
- Author
- Kim Sagwa(Apple Kim)
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2008
- Publisher
- 창작과 비평사
- 9788936433611
- The Series
- 문학과지성 시인선 ; 352
- Main Characters
- Mi-na, Min-ho, Su-jeong
- Subject/Theme
- Criticism of social structure marked by endless competition
When Mi-na's best friend, Park Ji-ye, commits suicide, Mi-na is shocked and saddened. Su-jeong thinks that Mi-na in her emotionally wounded state is beautiful. However, she is unable to sympathize with Mi-na's sorrow, and Mi-na is disappointed with Su-jeong. Mi-na immediately quits school without telling Su-jeong. Unable to forget Mi-na, Su-jeong abuses a stray cat out of anger over her loss. Su-jeong becomes even more frustrated and decides to kill Mi-na in order to have her.
Translated Books2
Related Resources1
English(English) DocumentThe Edge of Youth: b, Book, and Me by Apple Kim