- Original Title
- 무명
- Title Romanization
- Mumyeong
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Yi Kwang-Su
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2010
- Publisher
- -
- 9787560150130
- Main Characters
- Narrator, Min, Yun, Jeong, Kang
- Subject/Theme
- Japanese colonial period, prison life, human destiny, individual greed, nihilism
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In prison, the narrator becomes acquainted with three people: Yun, who is doing time for seal forgery; Min, for arson; and Jeong, for fraud. Although they are suffering from diseases, they fight constantly, unable to give up on small privileges. Later, new conflicts arise when Kang, who is in prison for blackmailing, is assigned to their cell. After being released from prison, the narrator feels as though life is vain, when he hears the news of Min, Yun, and Jeong.
Translated Books2
Chinese(简体) Available无明
English(English)The Unenlightened and Other Korean Short Stories