랩소디 인 베를린
- Original Title
- 랩소디 인 베를린
- Title Romanization
- Raepsodi In Bereullin
- Title Sub
- Rhapsody in Berlin : 구효서 장편소설
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Ku Hyoseo
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2010
- Publisher
- Woongjin Thinkbig
- 9788901106793
- The Series
- 한국문화총서 ; 13
- Main Characters
- Hanako, Kentaro Yamagawa (Kim Sang-ho), Lee Geun-ho
- Subject/Theme
- Life in the diaspora
Hanako, a Japanese woman, goes to Germany to see the meaningful suicide note left by her first love, Kentaro Yamagawa. Lee Geun-ho, who leaves for Germany as Hanako's interpreter, learns about Kentaro’s painful life in the process of confirming his death. Kentaro (Kim Sang-ho) was a second-generation Korean living in Japan, who was implicated in the 1967 East Berlin Incident and spent 17 years in prison, after which he moved to Germany and lived there for 20 years. He went to Germany to study music to avoid discrimination, but even there, he was conscious of being a foreigner.
Translated Books1
Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available柏林狂想曲
Related Resources2
English(English) DocumentMadame Myeong-du
English(English) DocumentAbout the Book, 'A House with a Beautiful Sunset View and Other Stories'