녹천에는 똥이 많다
- Original Title
- 녹천에는 똥이 많다
- Title Romanization
- Nokcheoneneun ttongi manta
- Title Sub
- 이창동 소설집
- English Title(Printed)
- Nokcheon
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story
- Author
- Lee Chang-dong
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1992
- Publisher
- 문학과지성사
- 9788932005799
- Main Characters
- Jun-sik, Min-u, Jun-sik’s wife
- Subject/Theme
- Life of the petit bourgeois during industrialization
Jun-sik and Min-u are half-brothers. Min-u is a social activist who participated in the student demonstrations, while Jun-sik worked hard to become a teacher after graduating from the university night classes. Although he started with nothing of his own, Jun-sik earns enough to purchase a small apartment, and even marries an employee from his school's general affairs department. However, their marriage is impulsive, and there is no understanding or solidarity between Jun-sik and his wife. Min-u’s appearance drivers the wedge between the couple even deeper. From Min-u, Jun-sik’s wife feels something that Jun-sik is lacking and begins to despise Jun-sik blatantly. As Jun-sik watches his wife grow fond of Min-u while despising him, Jun-sik’s victim mentality grows.
Translated Books3
French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableNokcheon
Chinese(简体) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available鹿川有许多粪
Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available鹿川(ノクチョン)は糞に塗(まみ)れて
Related Resources1
English(English) Publication_List Vol.9