내 생의 알리바이: 공선옥 소설집
- Original Title
- 내 생의 알리바이: 공선옥 소설집
- Title Romanization
- Nae saengui allibai
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story
- Author
- Gong Sun-Ok
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1998
- Publisher
- 창비
- 9788936436513
- The Series
- 창비소설집
- Main Characters
- -
- Subject/Theme
- Poverty, identity as a mother, not giving up on life
Title | Author |
모정(母情)의 그늘 | 공선옥 |
타관 사람 | 공선옥 |
어린 부처 | 공선옥 |
어미 | 공선옥 |
그 푸른 바다 눈에 보이네 | 공선옥 |
몸을 위하여 | 공선옥 |
뭐 먹고 살까 | 공선옥 |
술 먹고 담배 피우는 엄마 | 공선옥 |
歲寒 | 공선옥 |
우리들의 고향 | 공선옥 |
내 생의 알리바이 | 공선옥 |
The collection of 11 stories, including “Eomi (Mother),” “Momeul wihayeo (For the body),” and “Mwo meokgo salkka (What should I eat to live),” tells the stories of women who have been hurt by men. The women in these short stories do not give up on life nor on becoming a mother even in poverty.
Translated Books1
Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available私の生のアリバイ
Related Resources2
Spanish(Español) Exhibition printout2008 Guadalajara International Book Fair: Author Gong Sun-Ok Introductory Booklet
Turkish(Türkçe) Exhibition printout2007 Korea-Turkey Literary Event : Author Gong Sun-ok Introductory Booklet