김약국의 딸들
- Original Title
- 김약국의 딸들
- Title Romanization
- Gimnyakgugui ttaldeul
- English Title(Printed)
- The curse of Kim's daughters
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
- Author
- Pak Kyongni
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 1962
- Publisher
- -
- 9788960532625
- Main Characters
- Kim Bong-je, Kim Bong-ryong, Suk-jeong, and others
- Subject/Theme
- Rapid social transformation, a woman’s life, fallen regional community leaders
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Kim Bong-je, the owner of Kim Pharmacy, works hard to protect and maintain his family’s wealth. Bong-je’s younger brother Bong-ryong suspects that his wife Suk-jeong is having an affair. Without any means to prove her innocence, Suk-jeong commits suicide and Bong-ryong leaves home, unable to bear his guilt. Eventually Bong-je dies, and the Kim Pharmacy and the Kim family are destroyed.
김약국의 주인인 김봉제는 집안의 재산을 지키고 유지하기 위해 애쓴다. 봉제의 동생 봉룡은 아내 숙정이 불륜을 저질렀다고 의심한다. 이에 억울함을 해소할 방법이 없던 숙정은 자살로 생을 마감하고 봉룡은 고통을 견디지 못해 집을 나간다. 이후 봉제가 사망하고 점점 김약국과 그의 일가들은 몰락한다.
Translated Books5 See More
Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available金药局家的女儿们
English(English) Funded by LTI Korea AvailableThe curse of Kim's daughters
French(Français) AvailableLES FILLES DU PHARMACIEN KIM
Related Resources1
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Park Kyongni Introductory Booklet