I'll Go OnEnglish(English) E-Book
Hwang Jungeun / 황정은 / 2018 / -
From one of South Korea's most acclaimed young authors comes the story of two sisters, Sora and Nana, whose childhood was marked by their father's death in a factory accident and their mother Aeja's retreat into suicidal catatonia. Now adults, Sora finds herself dreaming of the past when she discovers that Nana is pregnant. Her initial reaction is shock - though they live together, she never even realised her younger sister had a lover - and Nana's icy response to her attempt at being considerate (`You hate this, so don't pretend like I'm some poor pregnant woman you have to pity') drives a wedge between the two. Can Naghi - the boy who shared their childhood, and the simple, nourishing meals cooked by his mother - help the sisters break free of Aeja's worldview in which life is ultimately futile and love is always doomed? A delicate stylist with an unflinching social gaze, in I'll Go On Hwang Jungeun has crafted a poignant novel with an uncanny ear for the unspoken secrets and heartaches buried beneath daily life and family ritual. Above all, it is a stunning exploration of the intensity of early bonds - and the traces they leave on us as we grow up. Source : https://www.bookdepository.com/Ill-Go-On-Hwang-Jungeun/9781911284208
続けてみますJapanese(日本語) Available
Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2020 / -
幼い頃に父を工場の事故で亡くしたソラとナナは、生活の意欲を失っていく母と行き着いた暗い半地下の瞬居で少年ナギと出会う。「無理してがんばったって、人生はある日突然断ち切られて、それでおしまい」。そう繰り返す母の言葉から抜け出せないまま大人になる姉妹と、行き場のない思いを抱え、暴力に飲み込まれていくナギ。世界の片隅でひっそりと寄り添う3人に訪れる未来のかたちとは―。現代韓国文学の旗手が、みずみずしくも濃密に生の息遣いを描く。第23回大山文学賞受賞作。 Source : https://7net.omni7.jp/detail/1107158534
Je vais ainsiFrench(Français) Available
Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2021 / -
Il y a So Ra, la grande sœur douce et rêveuse; Na Na la cadette, déterminée et libre; et Na Ki, le frère de cœur, qui cache un lourd secret derrière son sourire fêlé. À tour de rôle, ils prennent la parole et racontent : leur rencontre et l’enfance dans l’appartement commun, un sous-sol séparé par une demi-cloison, le séjour de Na Ki au Japon d’où il est revenu transformé ; la grossesse de Na Na, enceinte d’un homme qui n’est pas son mari. À travers ces voix qui reflètent chacune un imaginaire propre, événements et situations se déploient dans toutes leurs nuances. Hwang Jungeun sait rendre son écriture lumineuse, mélancolique, douce ou violente, pour raconter la trajectoire de ses personnages dont les contradictions, les espoirs et les doutes les rendent attachants chacun à sa manière. Source : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58296990-je-vais-ainsi
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