Les Mensonges du SewolFrench(Français) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Takhwan / 김탁환 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Detective > Adventure
South Korea, April 16th, 2014; the sinking of the Sewol claimed 304 lives, most of them teenagers on a school excursion. Huge scandal that highlights multiple shortcomings, especially in the organization of rescue. This drama and its aftermath will contribute to the dismissal of Park Geun-hye, then president. The story takes the form of a written statement by the narrator - a professional diver - intended to exonerate one of his colleagues, accused of manslaughter. He evokes the infernal search for corpses through the obscure labyrinth of the wreck, the serious trauma suffered by the divers and denounces the carelessness with which the operations were carried out, as well as the unjust accusations against those who have devoted themselves body and soul to return the remains of their disappeared families. The author does not cite the name of the ship, nor those of the real protagonists, wishing to give universal scope to this true novel. He indicates in the afterword that the diver who served as his model is no longer. The investigation which followed his death concluded that he had committed suicide. Source : https://www.asiatheque.com/en/book/les-mensonges-du-sewol
謊言Chinese(繁體) Available
Kim Takhwan et al / 김탁환 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Detective > Adventure
潛水員是沒有嘴巴的。即使不簽保密合約,專業潛水員也絕不會透露工作內容。 對做過的工作說三道四只會扯自己後腿,所以,話越少越好──最好當個啞巴。 羅梗水以為離開了孟骨水道,就能回歸正常生活,然而真實的世界比孟骨水道更凶險── 「全員救出!」 「事件發生當下派了五百多名潛水員搜救。」 「每找到一具遺體,潛水員還能多領五百萬獎金。」 「潛水員找到遺體也故意不帶上岸,想提高獎金價碼。」 「家屬拿的高額補償都是國民的稅金,還好意思在這邊絕食抗議?」 各種謊言接連襲來,彷彿巨大的水壓讓他們將要窒息。逼得羅梗水決定張開嘴巴,控訴這個比深海更寒冷黑暗的世界。 Source : https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010764815?loc=P_br_r0vq68ygz_D_2aabd0_B_1
潛入謊言之海Chinese(简体) Available
Kim Takhwan et al / 김탁환 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Detective > Adventure
2014年4月16日,由韓國仁川港起航開往濟州島的世越號客輪,在途經孟骨水道時沉沒。船上當時載有476人,其中325人為參加畢業旅行的高中學生。事故造成乘客和船員共計304人遇難。在救援黃金時間里,政府不僅沒有採取應有的救援行動,而且誤導輿論,阻礙民間救援。該事件為韓國民眾留下了難以愈合的心理創傷。作家金琸桓在採訪、結交了許多與世越號沉船事件相關的人,傾聽了無數背負苦難的心聲后,寫下了這部以世越號沉船事件為現實根據、以民間潛水員金冠灴為人物原型的長篇小說。 世越號沉船事件發生后,民間潛水員自願參與水下搜索工作,冒着生命危險潛入黑暗的沉船中帶出罹難者遺體,不僅工作強度超越人體極限,而且承受着巨大的心理衝擊。然而當意外發生,民間潛水員卻被追究本不該承擔的責任。身心俱損的民間潛水員羅梗水決定打破保持沉默的行業慣例,向法官提交請願書,講述不為人知的遭遇,回應政府的背叛和社會輿論的攻訐。 小說以民間潛水員羅梗水的聲音為中心,輔以罹難者家屬、生還學生、記者、義警、政府官員以及醫生等相關人物的嘆息、哽咽與呼告,展現出災難之後人與人重新建立聯繫、一同追問真相、祭奠逝者的堅韌力量。 Source : https://www.books.com.tw/products/CN11780438?loc=P_0003_002
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