- Original Title
- 28
- Title Romanization
- 28
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Jeong You Jeong
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2013
- Publisher
- 은행나무
- 9788956607030
- Main Characters
- A middle-aged man, people of Hwayang, dog
- Subject/Theme
- -
An unidentified infectious disease breaks out in Hwayang, a city located in the vicinity of Seoul. The first case is a middle-aged man in a dog breeding business. After being bitten by a diseased dog, he experiences abnormal symptoms in his eyes and lungs. The epidemic spreads rapidly, and people who begin to realize the seriousness of the situation struggle to solve the problem.
Translated Books3
Related Resources1
English(English) Video & Audio2022 Korean Literature Global Review Contest: Promotional Video