Voices in DiversityEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 et al / 2001 / -
Poetry. Asian Studies. VOICES IN DIVERSITY: POETS FROM POSTWAR KOREA offers a selection of poems from 37 South Korean poets born in or after 1945, edited and translated by poet Ko Won. The selected poets represent the voice of a nation emerging from Japanese rule; they are witnesses to sweeping political, social and cultural developments who have distilled their experience of a dynamic world into a precise and elegant poetics deeply concerned with modern political realities. Much as with the Middle East, these realities virtually demand a greater acquaintance with the arts and culture of this region, a knowledge which this collection certainly provides. Ko Won has published fourteen books of poetry, is a member of the P.E.N. Center USA West, and directs the Kulmaru Institute of Literature, Los Angeles. https://www.abebooks.com/9780893048853/Voices-Diversity-Poets-Postwar-Korea-0893048852/plp
LIES 嘘Japanese(日本語) Available
Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 / 2001 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
アダムが目覚めるときJapanese(日本語) Available
Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 / 1992 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
コリアン・サラリーマンの秘密の生活Japanese(日本語) Available
Jang Jung-il et al / 장정일 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
КΛУБ ФАНТАЗИЙRussian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Na Do-hyang et al / 나도향 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Сборник знакомит с лучшими образцами корейской художественной прозы XX - XXI вв. Большинство корейских писателей, рассказы которых вошли в сборник, до сих пор не были известны российскому читателю, их произведения впервые переведены на русский язык
CENDRES ET ROUGEFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available
PYUN HYE YOUNG et al / 편혜영 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Distingué pour ses talents de tueur de rats, T-K est envoyé par son entreprise dans un pays appelé C, ravagé par une épidémie. C'est le début d'un cauchemar : mis en quarantaine, accusé du meurtre de sa femme, il n'aura d'autre issue que dans la fuite avant qu'il ne s'évanouisse dans les égouts de la ville pour disputer leur nourriture aux rats qu'il est chargé d'éliminer. Roman de la disparition, de l'absurdité de l'existence : dans cette ville, il fera l'apprentissage du découragement et de la solitude, avec toujours l'impression de marcher sur une mince couche de glace près de se fissurer à tout moment. C'est le roman d'un homme qui a tout perdu y compris son nom et sa mémoire, un homme victime du présent et confronté aux fantômes de son passé, un homme qui pourrait bien ne pas être tout à fait celui qu'il prétend être. Source: http://www.amazon.fr/Cendres-rouge-Hye-Young-Pyun/dp/2809703531
At Least We Can ApologizeEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2013 / -
This story focuses on an agency whose only purpose is to offer apologies--for a fee--on behalf of its clients. This seemingly insignificant service leads us into an examination of sin, guilt, and the often irrational demands of society. A kaleidoscope of minor nuisances and major grievances, this novel heralds a new comic voice in Korean letters. Source : http://www.bokus.com/bok/9781564789198/at-least-we-can-apologize/
リナJapanese(日本語) Available
Kang Young-sook et al / 강영숙 / 2011 / -
母国の過酷な状況を逃れて国境を超えた22名の脱出者たち。そのひとりとしての少女リナ。彼女たちを待ち受けるものは何だったのか? 国境の向こう側には、夢見たものがあったのか? 殺人、人身売買、強姦、麻薬、売春――次々と襲いくる悲惨な出来事を乗り越えて、リナはいかに生きたのか。国家はもとよりふつうの意味での家族すら捨てたリナが選んだ新しい家族の形とは? 脱北した若い女性リナの、悪夢のような流転を読みながら、私は日本社会の労働者や路上生活者と接している気分でいた。 闇の労働市場で売られ続けるリナは、世界の奴隷ワーカーの輝ける象徴だ。 激しい怒りも悲しみも虚無もすべて飲み込んで成長するリナを、私はおののき崇める。 Source: http://www.amazon.co.jp/リナ-姜-英淑/dp/4773811137
When Adam Opens His EyesEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Jang Jung-il / 장정일 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
First published in 1990, this is a sensational and highly controversial novel by one of Korea’s most electrifying contemporary authors, which plows through contemporaneous Korean mores with aplomb. First published in 1990, this is a sensational and highly controversial novel by one of Korea’s most electrifying contemporary authors. A preposterous coming-of-age story, melding sex, death, and high school in a manner reminiscent of some perverse collision between Georges Bataille and Beverly Cleary, the narrator of this book plows through contemporaneous Korean mores with aplomb, bound for destruction, or maturity—whichever comes first. Source : http://www.amazon.com/When-Opens-Library-Korean-Literature/dp/1564789144
No One Writes BackEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Jang Eun-jin / 장은진 / 2013 / -
Communication—or the lack thereof—is the subject of this sly update of the picaresque. Communication—or the lack thereof—is the subject of this sly update of the picaresque. No One Writes Back is the story of a young man who leaves home with only his blind dog, an MP3 player, and a book, traveling aimlessly for three years, from motel to motel, meeting people on the road. Rather than learn the names of his fellow travelers—or invent nicknames for them—he assigns them numbers. There’s 239, for example, who once dreamed of being a poet, but who now only reads her poems to a friend in a coma; there’s 109, who rides trains endlessly because of a broken heart; and 32, who’s already decided to commit suicide. The narrator writes letters to these men and women in the hope that he can console them in their various miseries, as well as keep a record of his own experiences: “A letter is like a journal entry for me, except that it gets sent to other people.” No one writes back, of course, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some hope that one of them will, someday . . . Source : http://www.bookdepository.com/No-One-Writes-Back-Jang-Eunjin/9781564789600
Translated Books
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