Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

86 results
  • Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    Poésie coréenne contemporaine
    French(Français) Available

    Kim Ok et al / 김억 et al / 1991 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

  • Modern Korean Poetry
    Modern Korean Poetry

    Han Yong-un et al / 한용운 et al / 1994 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    A companion volume to the Classical Korean Poetry, this anthology provides the reader a bird's eye view of modern, 20th century Korean poetry, thus completing the sampling of the Korean poetry beginning with the 12th century through the present., 9780875730578

  • 파친코
    Korean(한국어) Available

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / -

  • Free Food for Millionaires
    Free Food for Millionaires
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > English and American literatures

    The Times (London) Top Ten Books of the Year The nationally bestselling, "ambitious and compulsively readable" (San Francisco Chronicle) American story of class, society and identity. The daughter of Korean immigrants, Casey Han has refined diction, a closeted passion for reading the Bible, a popular white boyfriend, and a magna cum laude degree in economics from Princeton, but no job and an addiction to the things she cannot afford in the glittering world of Manhattan. In this critically-acclaimed debut, Min Jin Lee tells not only Casey's story, but also those of her sheltered mother, scarred father, and friends both Korean and Caucasian, exposing the astonishing layers of a community clinging to its old ways and a city packed with struggling haves and have-nots.   source:

  • Ein einfaches Leben
    Ein einfaches Leben
    German(Deutsch) Available

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / -

    Der Bestseller aus den USA Sunja und ihre Söhne leben als koreanische Einwanderer in Japan wie Menschen zweiter Klasse. Während Sunja versucht, sich abzufinden, fordern Noa und Mozasu ihr Schicksal heraus. Der eine schafft es an die besten Universitäten des Landes, den anderen zieht es in die Spielhallen der kriminellen Unterwelt der Yakuza. Ein opulentes Familienepos über Loyalität und die Suche nach der eigenen Identität   Source :

  • La moglie coreana
    La moglie coreana
    Italian(Italiano) Available

    Lee Min Jin / 이민진 / 2018 / -

    «Potevano esserci solo pochi vincitori, accanto a molti perdenti. Eppure noi continuavamo a giocare.» Corea, anni Trenta. Quando Sunja sale sul battello che la porterà a Osaka, in Giappone, verso una vita di cui non sa nulla, non immagina di star cambiando per sempre il destino del figlio che porta in grembo e delle generazioni a venire. Sa solo che non dimenticherà mai il suo Paese, la Corea colpita a morte dall'occupazione giapponese, e in cui tuttavia la vita era lenta, semplice, e dolce come le torte di riso di sua madre. Dolce come gli appuntamenti fugaci sulla spiaggia con l'uomo che l'ha fatta innamorare per poi tradirla, rivelandosi già sposato. Per non coprire di vergogna la locanda che dà da vivere a sua madre, e il ricordo ancora vivo dell'amatissimo padre morto troppo presto, Sunja lascia così la sua casa, al seguito di un giovane pastore che si offre di sposarla. Ma anche il Giappone si rivelerà un tradimento: quello di un Paese dove non c'è posto per chi, come lei, viene dalla penisola occupata. Perché essere coreani nel Giappone del XX secolo, attraverso tutte le tempeste che la Storia riserverà a quegli anni densi e implacabili, è come giocare al gioco giapponese proibito, il pachinko: un azzardo, una battaglia contro forze più grandi che solo uno sfacciato, imprevedibile colpo di fortuna può    Source :

  • Bonne nuit maman
    Bonne nuit maman
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    SEO MI-AE / 서미애 / 2020 / -

    Le Silence des agneaux Made in Korea Seonkyeong, criminologue, est sollicitée par un serial-killer qui attend son jugement en prison. Cet homme qui a assassiné une douzaine de femmes veut lui parler, à elle et à personne d'autre. Intelligent, manipulateur, ses motivations restent floues mais tous s'accordent à dire que Seonkyeong devra faire preuve de la plus grande prudence face à ce criminel hors normes. Dans le même temps, son mari se voit contraint de faire venir chez eux la fille qu'il a eu d'un précédent mariage. Une petite de onze ans qui serre contre elle son ours en peluche, une petite bouleversée par les décès de sa mère et de ses grands-parents maternels. Des décès pour le moins suspects d'ailleurs... Bonne nuit maman est le premier opus d'une trilogie consacrée à Ha-young, jeune criminelle qui incarne les bouleversements vécus par la société coréenne.   source:

  • The Only Child
    The Only Child
    English(English) E-Book Available

    SEO MI-AE et al / 서미애 / 2020 / -

    An eerie and absorbing novel following a criminal psychologist who has discovered shocking and possibly dangerous connections between a serial killer and her stepdaughter. The book to read for fans of the movie Parasite. Criminal psychologist Seonkyeong receives an unexpected call one day. Yi Byeongdo, a serial killer whose gruesome murders shook the world, wants to be interviewed. Yi Byeongdo, who has refused to speak to anyone until now, asks specifically for her. Seonkyeong agrees out of curiosity.  That same day Hayeong, her husband’s eleven-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, shows up at their door after her grandparents, with whom she lived after her mother passed away, die in a sudden fire. Seonkyeong wants her to feel at home, but is gradually unnerved as the young girl says very little and acts strangely.  At work and at home, Seonkyeong starts to unravel the pasts of the two new arrivals in her life and begins to see startling similarities. Hayeong looks at her the same way Yi Byeongdo does when he recounts the abuse he experienced as a child; Hayeong’s serene expression masks a temper that she can’t control. Plus, the story she tells about her grandparents’ death, and her mother’s before that, deeply troubles Seonkyeong. So much so that Yi Byeongdo picks up on it and starts giving her advice.  Written with exquisite precision and persistent creepiness, The Only Child is psychological suspense at its very best.   source :

  • Hija única
    Hija única
    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    SEO MI-AE et al / 서미애 / 2020 / -

    ¿Un monstruo nace o se hace? La novela negra del momento se escribe en Corea. Dos personas han aterrizado en la vida de la psicóloga forense Seon-gyeong: un asesino en serie de fama mundial, Lee Byeong-do, que había permanecido en silencio hasta entonces, y la aparentemente inofensiva hija de once años del matrimonio anterior de su marido. Desde la misteriosa muerte de su madre, la niña vivía con sus abuelos, pero estos acaban de morir en un incendio inexplicable. Seon-gyeong se ha propuesto que la niña se sienta como en casa, sin embargo, le cuesta conseguirlo: apenas habla y actúa de forma extraña. De hecho, su comportamiento le recuerda, en parte, al de Lee Byeong-do. Los dos parecen trastornados en extremo y, sin duda, quieren algo de ella, pero ¿qué? Seon-gyeong tendrá que averiguar quién es la posible víctima en todo ese asunto antes de que sea demasiado tarde.   source :

  • Der rote Apfel
    Der rote Apfel
    German(Deutsch) E-Book Available

    SEO MI-AE et al / 서미애 / 2020 / -

    Wie wird ein unschuldiges Kind zu einem erbarmungslosen Serienkiller? Seoul, Gegenwart: Ein perfider Serienmörder hat die Stadt monatelang in Atem gehalten. Jetzt ist Lee Byongdo, der Killer mit dem zarten Gesicht, gefasst worden und wird in einer Psychiatrie verwahrt. Doch Lee schweigt. Es gibt nur einen Menschen, mit dem er bereit ist zu reden: mit der jungen Psychologin Sonkyong. Allerdings nur unter der Bedingung, dass sie ihm bei jedem Besuch einen saftigen roten Apfel mitbringt. Niemand weiß, warum er Sonkyong gewählt hat, denn beide sind sich nie begegnet. Die junge Frau willigt in das Treffen ein - ohne zu ahnen, dass sie damit einen Weg beschreitet, der sie in die tiefsten Abgründe der menschlichen Seele führt ...   sorce :