Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

12 results
  • Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop
    Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop
    English(English) Available

    Hwang Bo-reum / 황보름 / 2023 / -

    Yeongju did everything she was supposed to, go to university, marry a decent man, get a respectable job. Then it all fell apart. Burned out, Yeongju abandons her old life, quits her high-flying career, and follows her dream. She opens a bookshop. In a quaint neighbourhood in Seoul, surrounded by books, Yeongju and her customers take refuge. From the lonely barista to the unhappily married coffee roaster, and the writer who sees something special in Yeongju - they all have disappointments in their past. The Hyunam-dong Bookshop becomes the place where they all learn how to truly live. source:

  • Willkommen in meiner Buchhandlung
    Willkommen in meiner Buchhandlung
    German(Deutsch) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Bo-reum / 황보름 / 2023 / -

  • ようこそ,ヒュナム洞書店へ
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Bo-reum et al / 황보름 / 2023 / -

    完璧な人生なんてないけれど、「これでいい」と思える今日はある。 ネットで人気を博し韓国で累計25万部(2023年9月26日現在)を突破した、心温まるベストセラー小説! ソウル市内の住宅街にできた「ヒュナム洞書店」。会社を辞めたヨンジュは、追いつめられたかのようにその店を立ち上げた。書店にやってくるのは、就活に失敗したアルバイトのバリスタ・ミンジュン、夫の愚痴をこぼすコーヒー業者のジミ、無気力な高校生ミンチョルとその母ミンチョルオンマ、ネットでブログが炎上した作家のスンウ……。 それぞれに悩みを抱えたふつうの人々が、今日もヒュナム洞書店で出会う。 source:

    Turkish(Türkçe) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Bo-reum / 황보름 / 2024 / -

    Youngju her şeyi doğru yapmıştır; üniversiteye gitmiş, düzgün bir adamla evlenmiş, saygın bir işe girmiştir. Sonra bir anda her şey altüst olur. Tükenmişlik hissiyle eski hayatını terk eder, zirvedeki kariyerini bırakır, kocasından boşanır ve hayalinin peşinden gider. Bir kitapçı dükkânı açar... Youngju ve müşterileri, Seul’ün şirin bir mahallesinde kitapların arasına sığınırlar. Yalnız bir baristadan evli ama mutsuz bir ev hanımına ve Youngju’da özel bir şeyler olduğunu gören yazara kadar hepsinin geçmişinde hayal kırıklıkları vardır. Hyunam-Dong Kitabevi zamanla onların, hayatı nasıl yaşamaları gerektiğini öğrendiği yer haline gelir. source:

  • 歡迎光臨休南洞書店
    Chinese(繁體) Available

    Hwang Bo-reum et al / 황보름 / 2023 / -

    描繪屬於你的休南洞書店   二○一八年,在時序由春轉夏的路口,我一如往常地坐在書桌前盯著亮白的螢幕。那是我成為夢寐以求的作家後大約半年,我總覺得自己無法成為寫出好文章的散文作家,因此感到意志消沉,但即便如此,我仍覺得自己必須寫點什麼,所以日復一日地坐在書桌前。   不如來寫小說?   雖然我無法準確地想起是在幾月幾日幾點幾分冒出這個想法,但過了幾天後,我真的開始寫起了小說。書店名字的第一個字必須是「休」,書店的老闆是英珠,而咖啡師是閔俊。我就只帶著這三個設定寫起了第一個句子。除此以外,都是在寫小說時慢慢塵埃落定。假如突然有新的人物登場,這時才會決定他的姓名和特徵,不知道該說什麼才好時,就讓已經登場的人物和此時剛登場的人物對話,接著兩個人物就會自行展開劇情。說來也神奇,接下來的故事就會自動在腦中浮現。   創作小說的期間非常快樂,甚至到了令人吃驚的程度。過去經歷的寫作,是一場將我拉到書桌前坐下的艱難鬥爭,但這次卻不同,為了想要趕緊延續昨天寫到一半的對話,一大早就自動睜開了眼睛。到了夜晚,當眼睛變得乾澀,腰桿變得僵直,還有基於我給自己訂下的「不能超過一天勞動量」的原則,我會帶著遺憾的心情從座位上起身。創作小說的期間,相較於我親身經驗的事情,小說人物經歷的事要更令我在意。我的生活軸心,是隨著我所創作的故事繞轉。 source:

    English(English) Available

    HWANG BO-REUM / 황보름 / 2024 / -

    Profound and healing . a beautiful story at its heart ― Book of the Month, Woman & Home An incredibly exciting debut novel. At once gentle and invigorating. I devoured it -- Sarah Crossan, author of Here is the Beehive This was a word of mouth Korean sensation when it was first published and now translated into English it isn't hard to see why. This novel is both a balm for the soul and a glorious love letter to books and reading ― Top Fiction Pick, iPaper A story that embraces its sentimentality ― Observer Quirky. It's a tale about community and finding comfort in the small things ― Monocle A real love letter to reading... wonderful ― Good Housekeeping Delightful, reflective and heart-warming . we challenge you not to fall in love with it ― Woman's Weekly All readers who love books about books will fall in love with this charming story ― Prima This is a love letter to bookshops and to the people who find solace among their shelves . An absolutely charming novel that all bookworms will adore ― Red source:

  • Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop
    Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Available

    Hwang Bo-reum / 황보름 / 2024 / -

    "Kisah orang-orang yang berjuang untuk menjalin hubungan baru dan menyembuhkan diri melalui buku dan toko buku terungkap secara mendalam.” Toko buku di lingkungan biasa, yang berdiri di antara rumah-rumah di mana tidak banyak orang datang dan pergi. Inilah toko buku di Hyunam-dong! Selama beberapa bulan pertama, pemilik toko buku, Young-joo, yang wajahnya tidak menunjukkan antusiasme, seperti seseorang yang selalu larut dalam kesedihan, duduk diam dan membaca buku seolah-olah dia adalah seorang pelanggan. source:

  • Selamat Datang Ke Kedai Buku Hyunamdong
    Selamat Datang Ke Kedai Buku Hyunamdong
    Malay(Bahasa Melayu) Available

    Hwang Bo-Reum / 황보름 / 2024 / -

    Kedai buku kecil itu satu perhentian yang sederhana, tersembunyi di dalam lorong kecil, tersudut di sebuah kejiranan di pinggir kota Seoul. Di sebalik pintunya, Yeongju dengan senyuman yang jarang pudar menguruskan segala-galanya dengan bantuan Minjun, barista yang mahir dalam seni kopi. Kedai Buku Hyunam-dong bukan sekadar tempat berteduh bagi tubuh, bahkan sebuah destinasi untuk berlabuh bagi jiwa-jiwa yang memiliki luka dan berasa kehilangan sebahagian daripada diri. Namun, membawa harapan dalam skala berbeza. source:

  • Bem-vindos à livraria Hyunam-dong
    Bem-vindos à livraria Hyunam-dong
    Portuguese(Português) Available

    Hwang Bo-Reum / 황보름 / 2023 / -

    Uma livraria comum num bairro pitoresco poderia passar despercebida. Mas a Livraria Hyunam-dong não é como as outras. Yeongju tem se sentido desmotivada. Sua vida se tornou uma sucessão de frustrações e ela sente um vazio eterno no peito. Cansada de viver assim, ela decide deixar tudo para trás e colocar em prática um antigo sonho: abrir uma livraria. Desde a infância, Yeongju encontra conforto nos livros, e abrir uma livraria parece ser a solução ideal para os seus problemas. Mas começar um negócio nunca é fácil, e ela precisa aprender que ser uma amante dos livros não é o suficiente para tornar o seu sonho realidade. source:

  • Bienvenue à la librairie Hyunam
    Bienvenue à la librairie Hyunam
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Bo-Reum / 황보름 / 2024 / -

    Elle est entrée dans sa librairie. Elle se sentait bien ; son cœur se réjouissait, son corps entier se détendait, elle s’abandonnait au plaisir de retrouver son lieu de travail. La journée commençait. Quand certains ont imaginé le paradis comme une bibliothèque, d’autres choisiront sans hésiter une librairie. En garnissant les rayonnages de sa nouvelle librairie, Yeong-ju y met tout son coeur, comme si elle essayait, avec les livres, de renouer avec une amie perdue de vue depuis sa jeunesse. Elle répond aux demandes des lecteurs, même les plus surprenantes, elle cherche un livre pour dégeler le cœur et glisse parfois dans les volumes de petites notes de la taille d’une paume, qu’elle conclut par « ce roman m’a donné ce plaisir ». source: