Echoing SongEnglish(English) Available
Lee Hyang-ji et al / 이향지 et al / 2005 / -
Echoing Song presents the work of 20 contemporary Korean women poets active from the 1970s to the present. Each poet is represented with 10 to 15 poems reflecting the range of their poetic development. This anthology demonstrates the originality and variety of modern Korean women’s poetry. https://www.amazon.com/Echoing-Song-Contemporary-Korean-Voices/dp/1893996352
韓·日 戰後世代100人詩選集世界時人叢書 4Japanese(日本語) Available
Kang Unkyo et al / 강은교 et al / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Poems by 100 Poets from Korea and Japan in the Post-War Era – Green Longing This anthology introduces the works of 100 poets from the post-war generation of both South Korea and Japan. It was published in both South Korea and Japan, 50 years after Japan’s defeat and South Korea’s liberation. It features a total of 124 Korean poems.
野良猫姫Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Hwang In-sook et al / 황인숙 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
ソウルのさびれた町で一人暮らしをする20歳のファヨルは、コンビニでバイトをしながら、野良猫と、猫を通して知り合った人たちに支えられて生きている。父は彼女が五歳の時に失踪、数年後には母も単身、渡米してしまった。寄る辺ない身となったファヨルを気遣い、世話する親戚もいるけれど、ファヨルは過去から離れられない。高校を中退したファヨルには、大学へ行くよりも、やりたいことがあった……。 Source: http://www.amazon.co.jp/野良猫姫-新しい韓国の文学-ファン・インスク-黄仁淑/dp/4904855256
AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)English(English) Available
David R. McCann et al / 데이비드 매캔 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
"Azalea is about Korean literature and literary culture, and therefore about writing, publishing, translating, and reading. The writing has already happened, the translation too, but now for the reading! We have looked at original works, wondering who might best translate a gem. Or we have discovered a strong translation and asked, 'Can we publish it?' And how might artwork of various kinds, or perhaps photographs of Korea contemporaneous with the literary works, be added to the mix? The occasional hortatory note, such as my own in this issue about the 1953 short story 'Cranes' by Hwang Sunwon, may add another edge, perhaps, to the reader's framing and reframing of the piece." --from the Editor's Note Contributors: Heinz Insu Fenkl, Ha Seong-nan, Mickey Hong, Huh Su-gyung, Hwang In-sook, Hwang Jiwoo, Hwang Sunwon, Kim Aeran, Kim Chiha, Kim Hyesoon, Kim Jung-Hyuk, Kim Seung-Hui, Kim Young-ha, Ko Un, Lee Changdong, Lee Hye-kyung, Lee Moon-jae, Lee Si-Young, Chonggi Mah, David R. McCann, Orhan Pamuk, Park Min-gyu, Robert Pinsky, Song Ch'an-ho, Ronald Suleski, Sung Suk-je,Yoon Sung-Hee,Yun Dae Nyeong, Dafna Zur.
Translated Books
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