Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

16 results
  • 寶寶最愛吃的斷乳食譜
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Kim Eunju / 김은주 / 2011 / KDC구분 > Technology

    今天要做什麼給寶寶吃? 剩下的材料該怎麼處理? 媽媽們!不用再擔心那些問題了,讓這本食譜終結你的煩惱吧! 讓寶寶健康一輩子的5大原則 1. 一定要親自動手做料理。 2. 給寶寶吃健腦料理X有色食物X慢食料理X不會過敏的健康食材! 3. 餵寶寶吃當季的新鮮蔬菜和水果。 4. 料理要兼顧清淡及美味。 5. 讓寶寶從小就能嚐到各式各樣的食物。   source:

  • 私は私のままで生きることにした
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2019 / -

    日韓累計165万部突破! (韓国113万部、日本52万部) 2019年、2020年、2021年と 3年連続で年間ベストセラーにもランクインした 話題のイラストエッセイ(日販、トーハン調べ) 「いつも、人からどう見られるかを気にしていた」 「これから私は、私のままで生きることにした」 幅広い世代が共感! “私のままで生きることにした"人、増えてます! ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 人と比べて、何になる? 誰かと比べて生きるなんて、もうやめたらいいよ。 韓国の若者を中心に大反響! 世界にたった一人しかいない“自分"を大切にして生きていくために、 忘れないでほしい70のこと。 ✓自分からみじめになってはいけない ✓誰かの期待に応えようとしてはいけない ✓自分以外の何者かになろうとしない ✓自分が輝ける場所で生きていく ✓通りすがりの人に傷つけられてはいけない ✓すべての人に理解されようとしなくていい etc. Source :

  • Hidup Apa Adanya
    Hidup Apa Adanya
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2020 / -

    I Decided to Live As Myself “Aku harus bisa masuk ke Universitas A karena teman-temanku ingin masuk ke kampus itu.” “Aku harus bisa diterima di perusahaan B karena teman-teman akan menilaiku sebagai seorang yang sukses.” “Aku ingin mengubah penampilan seperti dia yang dikagumi banyak lelaki.” “Aku ingin membeli barang bermerek agar orang-orang menilaiku sebagai orang kaya.” Lelah ya, kalau harus hidup sesuai dengan pendapat atau penilaian orang lain. Seperti tidak ada habisnya memuaskan penilaian mereka. HIDUP APA ADANYA membuka pikiran kita bahwa apa pun penilaian dan pendapat orang lain tidak akan memberikan pengaruh pada kehidupan kita, terutama tentang kebahagiaan. Menjadi diri sendiri dan menerima keadaan sesuai dengan porsi yang sesungguhnya akan membuat kita mensyukuri segala hal yang ada di hidup ini, sekecil apa pun itu. Temukan serangkaian to-do-list menjalani hidup penuh percaya diri melalui buku yang telah dicetak ulang lebih dari 200 kali ini serta terjual lebih dari 800.000 eksemplar di Korea Selatan dan lebih dari 700.000 eksemplar di Jepang. Source :

  • Thoải Mái Mà Không Cần Gắng Gượng
    Thoải Mái Mà Không Cần Gắng Gượng
    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Tác phẩm mới nhất của tác giả Kim Suhyun ra đời sau 4 năm kể từ best seller vạn bản “Tôi quyết định sống cho chính tôi” Trở thành người theo chủ nghĩa ôn hòa trong cuộc sống đầy phức tạp! Chúng ta thường muốn trở nên thú vị, hài hước, nhưng đó không phải là lý do duy nhất khiến con người ta yêu thương nhau. Có người yêu vì những lời động viên ấm áp, có những người yêu vì được lắng nghe chân thành, có người yêu vì tiếng cười sảng khoái của đối phương, có người yêu vì đối phương luôn ở bên mình dù có chuyện gì xảy ra đi chăng nữa. Ngay cả khi không phải cố gắng biến thành người khác, vẫn có quá nhiều lý do để bạn được yêu thương. Vậy nên đừng cố ngụy trang. Thay vào đó, hãy thả lỏng cơ thể, bày tỏ sự chân thành trong mọi mối quan hệ và thoải mái thể hiện con người thật của mình. Đó là khởi đầu cho mọi mối quan hệ chân thành. Bạn đáng yêu nhất khi là chính mình. Hãy là bạn, theo cách tự nhiên nhất. Source :

  • Being Comfortable Without Effort
    Being Comfortable Without Effort
    English(English) Available

    Kim Soohyun / 김수현 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Manual for a Comfortable Life in the Midst of Complicated Relationships Relationship Prescriptions to Protect Yourself and Avoid Conflicts "Be respectful to everyone. But let's not allow them to intimidate us." In order to find balance between myself and a relationship, between trust and distrust, between boundaries and consent, between the loneliness of being alone and distress from being together: without succumbing to numerous struggles, I had to be more flexible, yet solid. This book is about relationships as well as balance. Source :

  • 闭嘴, 我只想做自己
    闭嘴, 我只想做自己
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2020 / -

    本书是韩国引进的风靡日韩的励志散文,韩文版累计印刷超过200印次,100万册,日本引进后,热销20万册。文字犀利,一针见血,用自嘲的语气道尽了都市年轻人的酸甜苦辣,也写出了作者的思考和人生经验,包括情绪控制、自我提升等经验,旨在引导年轻人关注自身成长。 Source :

  • I Decided to Live as Me
    I Decided to Live as Me

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2020 / -

    The first ever english translation of "I Decided to Live as Me". A best-selling Korean title book about loving who you are. This is your to-do list in the world of adulting. Written and illustrated by Soo Hyun Kim Translated by Ma. Kristina Carla Rico & Kyungmin Bae More than 1 million titles sold worldwide A to-do list for your adult life You don’t need to feel bad while looking at other people’s social media sites, make excuses for yourself, and be understood by everyone. You don’t have to blindly work hard just because you’re anxious, and to succumb to the prescribed answers. You don’t have to get hurt by passersby in your life anymore, be swayed by what others say, and think that problems are yours alone. This book will show you the most essential thing to do, and that is to live as you. Source :

  • Tôi quyết định sống cho chính tôi
    Tôi quyết định sống cho chính tôi
    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2019 / -

    Cuốn sách đạt giải thưởng “Cuốn sách của năm” tại Hàn Quốc vào năm 2017. Đã tái bản hơn 100 lần kể từ lần xuất bản đầu tiên vào năm 2016. Được nhiều nghệ sĩ chọn đọc và giới thiệu đến các fan của mình, đơn cử là JungKook (BTS). Như tác giả Kim Suhyun đã chia sẻ về quá trình sáng tác cuốn sách này: “Tôi đã cố gắng ghi ra những điều quan trọng nhất trong cuộc sống như: Công việc, các mối quan hệ, niềm vui, tinh thần, thể chất, sức khỏe… Tôi đã không lường trước những việc có thể xảy ra . Mà tôi chỉ làm (Do) những việc tôi muốn (Want) và có thể (Can). Một công thức đơn giản là Want Can = Do Thay vào đó, hãy làm việc chăm chỉ. Source :

  • I Decided to Live as Myself
    I Decided to Live as Myself
    Thai(ภาษาไทย) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2019 / -

    การมองดูชีวิตของคนอื่นแล้วนำมาเปรียบเทียบกับชีวิตของตัวเอง เป็นวิธีที่ง่ายที่สุดที่จะทำให้ตัวเราเป็นทุกข์ เราสอดส่องชีวิตของคนอื่นเพื่อสนองความอยากรู้อยากเห็น แต่เราต้องจ่ายค่าตอบแทนเป็นความทุกข์ของตัวเอง ซึ่งความอยากรู้อยากเห็นนั้นมันไม่มีประโยชน์อะไรเลย ควรนำความอยากรู้อยากเห็นนั้นมาสำรวจชีวิตของเราเองมากกว่า ดังนั้น จงอย่าเป็นผู้ชมในชีวิตของคนอื่น เพราะสำหรับตัวเราแล้ว ชีวิตของเราสำคัญกว่าชีวิตของพวกเขา ที่สรุปมาให้ดูเพียงรูปภาพไม่กี่รูป อย่าพยายามทำให้ตัวเองเป็นทุกข์เลยนะ Source :

  • You Can Wind Down from Time to Time
    You Can Wind Down from Time to Time
    English(English) Available

    Kim Dan / 김단 / 2021 / -

    The book that will bring us back down the memory lane and help us revisit the small things that we miss out on as an adult, You Can Wind Down From Time To Time, is now finally available in English! Wisdom from the stories of our youth: - Everyone’s an amateur in life - Actions over words Love like you’ve never been hurt - Slowly but steadily - The most precious things stay close in the most ordinary forms At times when life gets difficult to bear, you want to stop and hide from people, or just quickly take a deep breath to calm yourself, this book is here for you to tell you that this too shall pass. To you, who is lost in the world of complicated adults, there is no treasure map or a perfect guide to navigating your life. It’s hard not to make mistakes or let yourself down, even so, it’s okay to wind down from time to time. Our problems don’t resolve themselves overnight. Sometimes, you just need to take a deep breath, a warm fuzzy blanket, and a clear mind. When you wake up, you’re ready to face the new day with a newfound growth to take away yesterday’s pain. Source :'s hard not to make,blanket, and a clear mind.